Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As Iowa's rural hospitals grapple with challenges, larger health systems offer avenue for specialty care

    After learning that 17 of Iowa's rural hospitals were facing closures due to a lack of finances, so these smaller hospitals partnered with larger ones in order to focus on specialized care. Although challenges still remain on the horizon, these mergers have provided a solution that allows community members better access to care and the ability to remain in the areas they want to live.

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  • Seeking a Cure: The Quest to Save Rural Hospitals

    Keeping hospitals open and operating in rural Iowa isn't an easy task, but short-term proposals, pilots, and demonstration projects are all helping to explore the possibilities. One particular example that is showing promise is the Avera Merrill Pioneer Health Campus which was "bankrolled through a combination of community donations, hospital association funding and a loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture."

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  • N'West Iowa hospitals invest in region

    Despite rural hospitals often struggling to remain open due to lack of consistent demand which creates financial troubles, there are eight hospitals across four rural counties in Iowa that are proving this notion wrong. Through dedicated doctors that have committed to living where they work to a strong community presence providing support, this system of hospitals is performing better than many of the larger counterparts.

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  • Parisians fight climate change with a surprising weapon Audio icon

    Les Alchimistes is a social enterprise outside of Paris that turns the 900,000 tons of food waste produced every year into compost that is then sold to farmers. The group is supported by industrial composters named Tidy Planet who have managed to speed up the natural composting process from 6-12 months to less than two weeks. The Alchimistes have six composting sites across France, and they rely on city cyclists to pick up the food waste from each participating restaurant.

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  • Dengue fever virtually eradicated from Far North Queensland, scientists say

    To prevent the spread of dengue fever, scientists in Queensland partnered with local school children, community groups and businesses to breed and release Wolbachia bacterium. This approach which saw a "93 percent decrease in reported dengue cases" is now being implemented in 10 other countries to stop the spread of this mosquito-borne disease.

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  • States Lack Standards for Treating Opioid Dependent Pregnant Women -- Experts Say That's Ok

    States typically do no employ an exact protocol for treating opioid-dependent pregnant women, but several states including Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky are working on addressing this gap in health care. Although each approach is fairly limited at this time, efforts to increase education amongst health care providers in order to reduce stigma and offering medication-assisted treatment, are practices that are still showing some promise.

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  • Jewish and Arab women unite to defy Bedouin voter suppression in Israeli election

    Jewish and Arab organizers arranged for volunteers to bring Bedouin women in remote villages to their polling place to vote in parliamentary elections. Bedouin villages on tribal lands don’t have polling places, so dozens of women volunteers used their own cars (due to a last-minute ruling making it hard for organized groups to bus voters) to bring hundreds of Bedouin women to distant polling stations. Many of the women would not have voted without the help of the volunteers, who contributed at least in part to the 10-percentage point voter turnout increase in Arab communities.

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  • Fighting Gun Violence in Chicago, With Trees, Rakes, and Cleanup Crews

    Chicago is trying something new when it comes to violence prevention: beautifying public spaces that have been known to be places of violence. The city has launched an official pilot program called Grounds for Peace, which partners with READI Chicago to provide jobs within the initiative to at-risk men. While the effort to beautify has shown a decrease in gun violence in other cities, Chicago residents approach this with caution, as the neighborhoods its working within are often neglected.

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  • Climate Resilience on Detroit's East Side

    Working toward environmental justice takes organizing on the community level. In Detroit, the Women of Empowerment promote resilience against the adverse effects of climate change on the city’s east side by spearheading projects that range from legal cases to the installation of solar panels. The group also partners with local nonprofits like the Eastside Community Network and Heatwaves Housing and Health (HHH), to collect data that can inform climate-resilient city planning.

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  • Can We Turn Down the Temperature on Urban Heat Islands?

    Researchers are using citizen science volunteers to more accurately identify hot spots in cities, where some temperatures are significantly higher than their surrounding areas. The data has also shown that there is a correlation between lower-income neighborhoods and higher temperatures. Climate change is expected to increase the number of extreme weather events, including heat waves, so mapping these urban heat islands can help cities develop new urban planning strategies.

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