Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Malawi's Leader Makes Safe Childbirth Her Mission

    The vast majority of births in Malawi still happen under the care of traditional birth attendants, who are often unequipped to deal with potentially lethal complications. But new president Joyce Banda is helping Malawi’s women to abandon dangerous childbirth customs by working with the custodians of local practices: village chiefs.

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  • The Complicated World of Higher Education for Troops and Veterans

    More than one million service members, veterans and their families take college courses financed with federal tax dollars. Their experiences are more complicated than those of their fresh-faced civilian peers, leading entities to explore the most effective ways to ensure they graduate.

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  • N.Y.C. Nurses Aid Low-Income First-Time Mothers

    New mothers who live in poverty are faced with fewer resources to help them with their physical and mental health as well as the health of their babies. In New York City, the Nurse-Family partnership matches nurses with economically poor first-time mothers. Different studies have shown that women in the program have healthier pregnancies and children.

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  • Back to School

    As kids and teachers head back to school, we wanted to turn away from questions about politics and unions and money and all the regular school stuff people argue about, and turn to something more optimistic — an emerging theory about what to teach kids.

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  • Teaming Up to End Homelessness

    There are about 67,000 homeless veterans in the United States today, and at least a third are chronically homeless. The 100,000 Homes Campaign, which aims to get 100,000 chronically homeless or otherwise particularly vulnerable people into housing, supercharged the housing process this summer using Rapid Results — a strategy that helps communities jump-start projects by breaking off a 100-day chunk, setting wildly ambitious goals and using any (legal) means necessary to achieve them.

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  • For Teenage Smokers, Removing the Allure of the Pack

    Adolescent smoking remains a challenging health problem because of the allure of cigarette branding. Australia is piloting the transformation of cigarette packaging with a generic look that reduces the appeal of smoking. In Florida, the Truth campaign has exposed that cigarette companies targeted teenage consumers and, in response, created a set of new advertisements that presented the cigarette industry with transparency.

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  • Fighting Depression, One Village at a Time

    Different programs in various nations are training ordinary people and creating community groups to effectively satisfy the mental health needs of their communities. In many of these regions, "treatment gaps" – where there are little to no mental health treatment plans or resources – exist, but this new informal infrastructure helps to fill that.

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  • A Better Way to Talk About Faith

    Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) brings together college students from different faiths so that they develop respect and appreciation for each other and different traditions. IFYC also cultivates interfaith leaders and organizes campus-based campaigns called Better Together. Some students have received push back from their faith communities, but students and faculty have reported the campaigns for interfaith engagement leads to positive outcomes of increasing tolerance on campuses. The organization has trained students who have run campaigns on 106 campuses.

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  • Patagonia's Founder Is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru

    Yvon Chouinard, the founder of outdoor adventure retail company Patagonia, vowed to run the company from an eco-conscious perspective. From donating a portion of the store's income to registering as a benefit corporation in California, Chouinard and the company has stayed true to the mission. Now, other major companies are following suit.

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  • Out of Jail, and Into a Job

    Most programs to cut recidivism don’t significantly reduce rates of repeated arrests or incarceration, but one called the Center for Employment Opportunities that started in New York City is making a dramatic dent. The program provides newly-released prisoners with transitional services - most significantly, distinct working crews where they can be constructively monitored and learn teamwork - effectively helping keep them out of jail and transition back into society.

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