Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Africa's Girl Power

    Education is far from a given for poor, rural Africans. But a group called Camfed is bringing lasting social change to African countries by educating hundreds of thousands of girls.

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  • Beyond SATs, Finding Success in Numbers

    Many qualified students lack the motivation to follow through attending college due to a lack of peer support. A highly successful U.S. program sends great inner-city students to elite colleges in groups – one key to graduation.

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  • Soap Operas With a Social Message

    By depicting crucial social issues such as infant mortality, domestic abuse, and alcoholism, TV and radio soap operas are being used internationally as a powerful tool for mass behavior change.

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  • In the Fight Against Poverty, It's Time for a Revolution

    LIFT, founded in 1988 by college students, employs an approach to poverty alleviation grounded in building relationships with communities. LIFT finds volunteers who have demonstrated empathy and then employs them to meet with local families in need, helping them set goals, monitor their progress, and access services.

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  • First, Let's Fire All the Managers

    Morning Star, a global tomato processor based near Sacramento, California, establishes a unique organizational structure by eliminating manager hierarchies, titles, or promotions. The model gives individual employees managerial responsibilities for themselves and relies on peer review for compensation changes, performance evaluations, and work-flow decisions. In turn, the company saves on managerial overhead and instills respect and responsibility on all employees.

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  • For Weight Loss, a Recipe of Teamwork and Trust

    While weight loss can be challenging to maintain, different structures are being created to help. Certain support groups, financial incentives, and tough love are proving to be effective.

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  • At a Big Church, a Small Group Health Solution

    The best way to lose weight is to join a small group. This article looks at the case study of Saddleback Church in southern California that mixed faith and peer support to help congregates lose weight, including the pastor. Surveys found that 72% of participants lost weight as a result of the program.

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  • The Power of Positive Coaching

    A group called Positive Coaching Alliance is training thousands of coaches and parents to change to culture of youth sports for the better, using a "relentlessly positive" approach, and trading out the win-at-all-costs ethos of professional sports for evidence-based, age-appropriate guidance to players.

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  • Where Teenagers Find the Jury Isn't Rigged

    Sending a first-time offender to juvenile prison virtually guarantees a life of crime. Cities in the U.S. are cutting crime, saving money, and giving kids a second change by using special youth courts that offer teens the chance to be judged by a group of peers.

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  • For Young Offenders, Hope in a Jury of Their Peers

    For first-time youth criminal offenders, the traditional American jury falls short in encouraging behavioral change and may even set the juvenile on a course for repeated crimes. Washington, DC’s Youth Court is a jury that tries juveniles for minor non-violent offenses and offers peer pressure to prompt positive behavioral change. The DC Youth Court is one of many in the United States that reduces crime and future court costs.

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