Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • 100 Percent Renewable? One Danish Island Experiments with Clean Power

    One small island in Denmark is technically 100 percent powered by sustainable sources of energy, giving the island total energy independence.

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  • Tibetan Exiles: 'We Shall Overcome'

    A New York-based nonprofit called Students for a Free Tibet is training Tibetans in "how to stage nonviolent protests." This effort, in conjunction with other Tibetan NGOs, has helped activists in Dharamsala, India to become "more organized, media savvy and technologically sophisticated," which in turn has increased the number of people who have come together to participate in the nonviolent protests.

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  • Social Entrepreneur Peru: Albina Ruiz and the Ciudad Saludable

    Albina Ruiz, founder of the social enterprise Ciudad Saludable, works with people living in areas dominated by the trash dump to create a more formal system of waste removal for their health and the wider city's cleanliness. Workers who collect and recycle the waste are now employed by the city, own a micro-business, and no longer work under a social stigma. At the same time their efforts to clean up the city are working well, and the model is spreading to other Peruvian cities.

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  • Blocking the Transmission of Violence

    In the earliest days of what has become the Cure Violence model of violence prevention using street-outreach mediators, the Chicago CeaseFire group began hiring former gang members and people recently released from prison because of their credibility on the street. They "interrupt" violence, mediating conflicts to prevent escalation to gunfire, based on a public-health rationale that sees the spread of violence in epidemiological terms. The organization overcame skepticism when an early study showed its methods reduced violence by 16-27% more than in neighborhoods it hadn't worked in.

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  • One Spoonful at a Time

    The Maudsley approach to treating adolescent anorexia puts families at the center of the process, helping patients overcome their aversion to eating by calmly insisting that they nourish themselves back to physical and psychological health. This alternative to hospitalization has proven very effective in multiple studies, even though it contradicts traditional approaches, which keep parents at a distance based on the belief that they are part of the problem. The process is long and laborious, and relapses are common. But one mother's journey shows the hope that emerges when a deadly disease recedes.

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  • Reaching into a void: For mayor's team of street crusaders, getting the chronically homeless into housing requires patience as they battle their addictions -- and persistence if they relapse

    San Francisco's Care Not Cash program began in 2004 in response to the city's homelessness crisis. One facet of the program is an outreach team, whose members regularly visit homeless people on the street to connect them to resources such as housing and drug rehabilitation.

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  • The Baby Brain Connection / Armed with new research on developing brain structure, social workers can help fix troubled baby/parent relationships

    Research has shown the importance of infant-primary caregiver attachment for the future of the child's cognitive ability, emotional health, and parent relationship. Infant Mental Health Specialists and other practitioners have emphasized programs and techniques to improve this relationship, for example infant massage classes, and specifically tailored interventions.

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