Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Detroit's virtual wine & cheese classes feed hunger for connection

    Wine bars and cheese shops in the Detroit area are taking their businesses online during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering virtual tasting classes to their customers. The Royce and Marrow, a wine bar, is connecting viewers with winemakers around the world with their “At Home With Wine” series and Mongers’ Provisions, a cheese shop, set up tasting classes about cheese, chocolate, and charcuterie, with tasting samples delivered to homes or collected via curbside pickup. While there are learning curves for hosting online classes, many shops enjoy connecting with their communities.

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  • Training Police to Step In and Prevent Another George Floyd Audio icon

    While most police-reform ideas focus on top-down imposition of standards, peer intervention puts the burden on individual police officers to prevent misconduct. Grounded in studies of bystanders’ behavior in the face of abuses by others, the method first was adopted by the New Orleans Police Department in light of widespread misconduct following Hurricane Katrina and has been credited with that department’s “remarkable progress” in shifting its culture. Now its use is spreading nationwide.

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  • Philly police should adopt this ethics program that reformed NOLA force

    Eight years after the New Orleans Police Department served as a model of how not to police, its Ethical Policing Is Courageous (EPIC) program has done more to dismantle the “blue wall of silence” than any other reforms. Citizen complaints and horrific examples of brutality have gone down while citizen satisfaction has risen. Now the training of officers in “peer intervention” is spreading nationwide, empowering street officers schooled in the use of peer pressure to stand up to misconduct without fear of retaliation.

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  • How a City Once Consumed by Civil Unrest Has Kept Protests Peaceful

    Through a combination of protesters’ vigilance, mayoral leadership, anti-violence interventions, and de-escalation by police, Newark managed to avoid the violence that marred other cities’ responses in the initial burst of protest after the death in Minneapolis of George Floyd. Newark has worked in recent years to reduce street violence using trained mediators. That team, aided by a resolve among protesters to prevent widespread looting and vandalism, helped prevent all but minor problems and arrests in the first volatile weekend of protests.

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  • A turnaround school on the rise sees progress halted by the pandemic

    When the John Q. Adams Middle School in Louisiana received a D rating, a new principal stepped in to restructure and address the ongoing issues with staff and students and was seeing success—but that changed when the pandemic hit and the school was unable to shift to remote learning. Progress started by holding one-on-one sessions with all staff and administrators at the school, tidying up the campus, and by approaching school discipline with a perspective that is conducive to long-term positive change.

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  • A vírus “mellékhatása”: generációkat kötött össze egy magyar program a kijárási korlátozás alatt

    A „Hogy tetszik lenni?” projekt magyar nyugdíjasokat és fiatalokat ismertet össze, akiknek megritkultak a társas kapcsolatai a Covid-19 járvány idején. A Fesztivál Önkéntes Központ a Máltai Szeretetszolgálattal közösen hetven idős-fiatal párt hozott össze, akik rendszeres beszélgetésekkel mérsékelték magányérzetüket. A fiatal önkénteseket felkészítették arra, hogy miként kerüljenek el bizonyos érzelmi reakciókat. A projekt eredményeként a résztvevők szoros személyes kapcsolatot alakítottak ki és ezt a járvány után is fenn kívánják tartani.

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  • As Covid-19 tears through Navajo Nation, young people step up to protect their elders

    Across Navajo Nation, young people are coming together to protect their elders through grassroots efforts and campaigns. They’ve created online campaigns, like Protect the Sacred and #NavajoStrong to help provide accurate information, collect donations, deliver medical supplies, and recruit medical professionals. They’ve come together on-the-ground, creating the Northern Dine Covid-19 Relief Effort to get clearing products, fresh food, and other supplies to households on the reservation.

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  • As the Nation Begins Virus Tracing, It Could Learn From This N.J. City

    In New Jersey, health officials in the city of Paterson has been tracing the novel coronavirus for months, which may have helped contain the spread of the virus. Their disease investigations team has been able to successfully trace about 90 percent of the more than 5,900 positive cases in the city. A state grant allowed them to scale the team during the pandemic.

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  • Co-Op City Succeeds With Census While Much of NYC Struggles. What's Its Secret?

    In New York City, where the average census response rate is only 49 percent, the city's largest co-operative housing complex achieved over a 70 percent response rate, well above the 40 percent rate typical in the co-op's neighborhood of the Bronx. Co-op City, as it is known, has a strong sense of community and promoted the census through its internal TV station, robo-calls, and community newspaper.

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  • Teaching model ‘flips' traditional classroom in Arizona

    In Arizona, several schools are flipping the traditional format of school on its head; at home, students watch recorded lessons and then, during the day in the classroom, they work through homework. Advocates believe the approach allows for more collaborative and engaging learning, while critics don't believe the approach has shown improved results.

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