Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Refugee cooks from Syria and Iraq in Germany share food to make friends and integrate into society

    A German organization called Uber den Tellerrand brings together refugees and locals for a meal handmade by those who migrated from Syria and Iraq. The meal brings people together over a delicious meal, offers authentic food from those countries, and allows those cooking to feel like they are giving back to the community. Another initiative to aid the resettlement process is a program called Start with a Friend (SWAF) pairs locals and newcomers to develop friendships and help refugees better learn the language along the way.

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  • Jewish and Arab women unite to defy Bedouin voter suppression in Israeli election

    Jewish and Arab organizers arranged for volunteers to bring Bedouin women in remote villages to their polling place to vote in parliamentary elections. Bedouin villages on tribal lands don’t have polling places, so dozens of women volunteers used their own cars (due to a last-minute ruling making it hard for organized groups to bus voters) to bring hundreds of Bedouin women to distant polling stations. Many of the women would not have voted without the help of the volunteers, who contributed at least in part to the 10-percentage point voter turnout increase in Arab communities.

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  • The ‘Badass Grandmas' Who Fought Corruption and Won

    An unlikely group of "Badass Grandmas" came together in North Dakota to fight corruption in state government. Coming from both Democratic and Republican backgrounds, the group formed organically during an early morning discussion. Inspired by their neighbors in South Dakota, the group successfully passed a constitutional amendment approved by voters to overhaul government ethics oversight.

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  • With Kids' Futures at Risk, Schools Seek New Ways to Lower Chronic Absenteeism

    Spurred by state changes, an elementary in Tulsa, Oklahoma has transformed its approach to chronic absenteeism, adding frequent positive reinforcements for good attendance and building strong relationships with students to get to the root of attendance issues. “This is a solvable problem as long as people keep in mind," the executive director of Attendance Works said. "The solutions take time to unpack and address what’s keeping kids from coming to school.”

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  • How Women Are Faring in the World's Largest Refugee Camp

    In the Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Bangladesh, Rohingya women are overcoming the societal restraints that bound them at home in Myanmar and becoming leaders and change-makers in their community. Despite resistance from the men, hundreds of women in the camp banded together to form a group called Shanti Mohila. This allowed them to push for more peace and justice and issues like domestic violence, and they even received support from Legal Action Worldwide to prosecute crimes against the Rohingya people.

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  • New York providers credit ‘aftercare' for helping youths transition home

    New York has taken great strides in reforming their juvenile justice system, and key to that has been ensuring that those in the system receive ongoing support once they return to their communities. Organizations like Arches work with probation officers to provide young people with therapy and mentors – whose lives have been similar to their mentees – in order to provide the needed support and guidance. Such programs have shown lowered recidivism rates and have garnered the attention of officials in Milwaukee who are seeking to makeover their system.

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  • Bright spot: High schools that offer free mental health care

    In Oregon's Multnomah County, high schools provide school-based mental health care centers, which include access to an overall health assessment, a mental health counselor, and a behavioral health specialist at no out-of-pocket cost. One benefit of this program is that students who are visiting the center for a physical reason – such as headaches – have the opportunity to have potential underlying conditions that are related to mental health recognized.

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  • How an innovative preschool in Qatar teaches empathy

    In the Academyati model used in Qatar, teachers reject the traditional memorization model and personalize "academic journeys" for students that emphasize the development of empathy and relationships.

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  • New York juvenile justice program stresses ‘safety by relationships'

    In New York City, the Close to Home initiative is taking a different approach to juvenile justice by centering it around a localized, residential, and rehabilitative model. These facilities operate out of traditional-looking homes and are run by nonprofits like Rising Ground. Its model focuses on building relationships as a key to rehabilitation, and emphasizes the importance of staff / youth relationships and familial connections. As Wisconsin seeks to change their model of juvenile justice, it takes inspiration from Close to Home in its implementation of smaller, more regional facilities.

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  • At Colleges, What's Old Is New: Retirees Living on Campus

    At Arizona State, retirees pay a fee to live on campus, take classes, and be a part of the college community. This setup offers a unique opportunity for intergenerational mixing and mentoring and a new revenue stream for institutions with declining enrollment.

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