Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In the Solomon Islands, making amends in the name of conservation

    In the Solomon Islands, visiting scientists and researchers have made historical and symbolic amends with the Kwaio people. The tribe, once violently attacked by colonial settlers, have felt the need for reconciliation for decades and as the scientists continued to connect with them, decided that a formal ritual of reconciliation was needed. Together, the two groups participated in the ritual, allowing the Kraio people to move forward and the researchers to continue their work.

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  • Bonaire: Where Coral and Cactus Thrive, and the Sea Soothes the Soul

    Bonaire's coral reef is one of the few in the world that is thriving, rather than dying. Thanks to a combination of local efforts, such as reef maintenance and restoration as well as rules that limit fishermen and divers, the reef is proving to be a model for other regions that are struggling.

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  • Nigeria, Kenya and Senegal - Three African Countries Providing Solutions in Fight Against Genital Cutting of Girls

    This cross-border story, which takes place in Nigeria, Kenya, and Senegal, examines 3 different approaches to address the still-widespread practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In Nigeria, a short film about FGM has prompted the passing of a new law and gathered a new wave of survivors speaking up. In Kenya, a group called Dayaa Women's Group actively involves the traditionalists (cutters) and religious/community institutions in the fight against FGM along with widespread trainings. In Sengal, women lead the fight with a radio program for girls and providing financial incentives to prior cutters.

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  • Is New York's Mental-Health System Listening to the Peers Who've Lived It?

    In New York City, much of the mental health infrastructure relies on the work of professionals known as Peer Specialists, who are individuals with lived experiences of mental health challenges and additional training to help others in a similar situation. Peer Specialists have recently been organizing around issues such as low pay and a lack of legitimacy in the eyes of their colleagues in the mental health industry.

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  • When Teens Threaten Violence, A Community Responds With Compassion

    When a teenager at a high school in Salem, Oregon began expressing threatening sentiments online, the community stepped in to help rather than punish the student. Through assessing the threat and then partnering him with a school counselor, the community was able to successfully create a model for removing kids from potentially violent trajectories.

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  • Conversations about Confederate Monuments in the Former Confederate Capital

    In the midst of heated debates surrounding the removal of Confederate monuments in Richmond, Virginia, a partnership between a university design collective and a community nonprofit welcomed student suggestions to keep conversation flowing - and respectful. Students submitted ideas to redesign Monument Avenue, a historical boulevard lined with Confederate statues, in a way that takes into account race, cultural history and the modern community.

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  • ‘No men allowed': The gym getting women fit and into work

    Women only gyms are gaining popularity in Turkey, encouraging women to work out in a comfortable setting as well as to gain financial independence and entrepreneurial advice. Many of these women use their gym networks to overcome obstacles in the business community in open their own gyms, despite the pushback against women working outside of the home.

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  • How 7 Women Helped Put Sexual Harassment on New York's Agenda

    After 11 months of calls to employment lawyers and civil rights groups, legal proceedings, and recommended reforms to current legislation, seven women of the Sexual Harassment Working Group, all of whom are survivors, have successfully forced the New York's lawmakers to hold the first public hearing on sexual harassment since 1992. The members of the working group see the hearing as an important first step in reckoning with Albany's checkered past.

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  • To tackle addiction, the French look beyond drugs to care for the person

    Designated harm reduction centers can reduce overdoses and infections among those suffering from addiction. Facilities that operate as safe spaces can also offer resources such as treatment or housing, such as at the Planterose DropIn Center in Bordeaux and the SOS SleepIn Center in Paris. The strategy of helping addicts first use safely, and then rebuild social connections, has helped France to reduce its rate of HIV infection.

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  • Girls just wanna do maths - and the women who help them

    The Access Project in London recruits volunteer tutors in science, math, and technology fields to help young women build confidence in their STEM courses. The project also works to spread educational resources and tutors to underprivileged areas throughout London and the Midlands.

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