Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • To tackle addiction, the French look beyond drugs to care for the person

    Designated harm reduction centers can reduce overdoses and infections among those suffering from addiction. Facilities that operate as safe spaces can also offer resources such as treatment or housing, such as at the Planterose DropIn Center in Bordeaux and the SOS SleepIn Center in Paris. The strategy of helping addicts first use safely, and then rebuild social connections, has helped France to reduce its rate of HIV infection.

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  • Girls just wanna do maths - and the women who help them

    The Access Project in London recruits volunteer tutors in science, math, and technology fields to help young women build confidence in their STEM courses. The project also works to spread educational resources and tutors to underprivileged areas throughout London and the Midlands.

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  • California Chef Aims To Help Restaurant Workers Prevent Suicide

    The restaurant industry can be incredibly stressful for those that work in it, but a chef based in Sacramento is trying to change this by focusing efforts on suicide prevention through education, trainings and other resource implementation. "This is a place for me to help my people," he says. "We are storytellers at the end of the day. And one of our stories is going to be about mental health."

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  • Healing a generation wounded by Boko Haram

    The Neem Foundation brings intensive counseling and 1-on-1 therapy to survivors who escaped the horrific violence of Boko Haram, a terrorist group in northeastern Nigeria. With months of aid and tough conversations, the organization attempts to reunite women and children who fled the violence with their families, many of whom shun the Boko Haram escapees.

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  • Nuns and Nones: A modern religious community

    The "Nuns and Nones" communities around the United States bring together Catholic nuns and millennial "nones," who don't affiliate with a particular religion, to foster a communal living environment. The program allows religious and non-religious individuals to share ideologies and living spaces, addressing the diminishing scope of religious communities in America.

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  • ‘A Light for Me in the Darkness': For Migrant Detainees, a Bond Forged by Letter

    For migrant detainees in San Diego County's Otay Mesa Detention Center, a recent letter writing campaign from participants at nearby San Diego State University has brought a small form of hope and courage. The university library released hundreds of letters between detainees and university participants, which served to humanize the immigration debate. “In the U.S. our tendency is to really dehumanize migrants,” said Kate Swanson, another geography professor at San Diego State. “We put them in these concrete boxes. This helps them become visible.”

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  • Smart Grid Experiment Saves Participants the Equivalent of One Electric Bill Per Year

    Gamifying energy-efficient behavior can help consumers adjust their habits. Project GresBAS (Grid Responsive Society through Building Automation Systems) incentivizes consumers by allowing them to compete against their own personal records, as well as their neighbors. The Project has piloted studies in Turkey and Portugal, signaling the broader possibilities of gamifying user interactions with smart grid technologies.

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  • Sen. Bennet: Collaboration that led to CORE Act could model a cure for “partisan disease” ailing politics

    Politicians and community leaders across Colorado take legislative creation out of Washington and into the areas they're trying to protect. Stakeholders around the state, many of whom disagree socially and politically, worked together to create a measure to protect 400,000 acres of public land while factoring in ways to maintain economic success.

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  • Sisterhood Is Powerful

    In November 2017 the Swedish army had their own #MeToo movement: "called #givaktochbitihop, which loosely translates to 'stand at attention and bite the bullet.'” A group of about 50 female sailors formed a group supporting one another called GRYM, an acronym that in Swedish stands for Community, Recruitment, Career guidance, and Mentorship. They support anyone who needs guidance in reporting or healing, and they normalize the subject of sexual assault in everyday conversation. Members of the Navy testify to how the group has helped bring about cultural change amongst the ranks.

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  • How Houston Has Virtually Ended Homelessness Among Veterans

    Houston is a leader in ending veteran homelessness, with "an engaged police unit, a seasoned group of social and policy workers, and a city looking to innovate and improve," but that success has not scaled successfully to dealing with all chronic homelessness in the city. To truly solve chronic homelessness, Houston has found that it needs to build relationships with those experiencing homelessness to understand what specific services they need to stay housed.

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