Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • US Forest Service and historically Black colleges unite to boost diversity in wildland firefighting

    In an effort to increase diversity in the forestry and fire industry, the U.S. Forest Service partners with several historically Black colleges and universities to run an on-site fire academy that gives students the credentials to start a career. Participating students learn fire fighting and forestry practices in class, then put them to use during instructor-supervised prescribed burn demonstrations.

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  • Blowing the air of justice on alleged witches

    The Advocacy for Alleged Witches is working to make all of Nigerian society witch-hunting-free. Advocates in the organization report incidents of witchcraft branding and arrange to help the accused individual by moving them away from the danger, providing medical services, and working with lawyers, police, and government agencies to take legal action against the issue.

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  • In India, peace building goes ultimate

    The nonprofit Action Northeast Trust organizes youth ultimate Frisbee matches to strengthen social cohesion, promote gender equality, and foster peace among young people from different villages, ethnicities, and mother tongues in Assam, India.

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  • Trees like women best: Nepal's forests thrive with female bosses

    The Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal manages the country’s community forest. For the past 30 years, the organization made a point to ensure half of its employees are women, and that women have access to leadership roles. As a result, a path has opened for more women to work in politics and the forests managed by women are thriving the most.

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  • These climate advocates don't care about your carbon footprint. They care about whether you vote.

    In an effort to fix the climate movement’s voter turnout problem, the Environmental Voter Project’s 6,000 volunteers use behavioral and data science in their outreach campaigns to encourage environmentalists to become consistent voters so the issues they care about are prioritized by politicians.

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  • Once cold, now too hot: Efforts to cut rising temperature in Nigeria's plateau intensifies

    The nonprofit Africa Research Association Managing Development teaches communities in Obanliku, Nigeria, to run their own businesses in things like gardening, soap making, and marketing, and helps establish cocoa cooperatives to keep them from depending on deforestation for income. The program also requires communities to designate parts of the forest for conservation and trains members to protect those areas.

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  • How a Nigerian NGO is Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders

    LEAP Africa is a Nigerian-based NGO that has helped thousands of students (in 26 Nigerian states and 8 African countries) develop leadership skills through a series of programs in partnership with various universities. Many program graduates have gone on to solve problems in their local communities by implementing their newfound skills, but some students struggle with limited internet access.

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  • Seeds of hope: the charity helping to replant Peru's rainforest

    Plant Your Future is working with Peruvian farmers to reforest the Amazon rainforest by helping them earn an income while growing trees instead of doing so by cutting trees down. The charity does outreach, teaches farmers about agroforestry, intercropping, and the carbon market, and then supports them throughout the transition to those practices.

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  • Moved by Experience: PWD-led Initiative is Building Safe Space for Persons with Disabilities in Borno 

    Via educational workshops, the provision of mobility devices, and entrepreneurial support, a Polio-survivor-led initiative in Nigeria is reducing stigmas about disabilities and helping eradicate polio diseases. Since 2017, the crowd-funded group has assisted more than 200 people with disabilities and reduced the number of folks who have to ask for alms on the streets.

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  • Can the bioeconomy replace oil extraction in the Ecuadorian Amazon?

    Communities in Ecuador are building a “bioeconomy” through ecotourism and sustainable agriculture instead of relying on oil extraction. This can help protect the country’s biodiversity and increase locals’ incomes.

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