Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Luring Refugees: N.Y. Cities Desperate for People Try a New Strategy

    Places like Utica, New York are working to convince refugees and new immigrants to move to their cities to stimulate the local economy and counteract population decline over the decades. Through more comprehensive services, a welcoming atmosphere, and word-of-mouth, refugees are arriving and making these cities home.

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  • Offering Childcare at City Meetings May Be Key to Diversifying Civic Engagement

    Research shows that city council meetings are dominated by older, male and longtime residents. One Mayor is trying to change that. Under the leadership of mayor of Svante Myrick, in Ithaca New York, the city council began to offer childcare during city council meetings. “We don’t think anyone else has done it.’ People are using it, and some are even hailing it for it’s inclusionary nature. “Now we’re starting to see new people at meetings. People are using the childcare service.”

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  • A Daunting Maze of Barriers

    Organizations and local governments in Maine put together the complex puzzle that is immigrant employment status. By connecting varying pieces, from providing English classes to establishing professional credentials, organizations help fill gaps in Maine's economy by recognizing and supporting qualified refugees and immigrants.

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  • How California Is Making Up for 20 Years of English-Only Education

    In California, half of school-aged children are the children of immigrants. Among many other initiatives in the city, a community-wide training project in Fresno aims to improve how adults in the city work with students of immigrant families. One of the challenges of the renewed push for a bilingual approach - finding sufficient bilingual teachers after years of the state's English-only education policies.

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  • In Indonesia, bigger catches for a fishing village protecting its mangroves

    Offering ecosystems a short break from extractive practices can stave off environmental degradation and overfishing. In Indonesia, regions of the Nibung River are closed for several months to allow populations of fish and crabs to recover. The fishing moratoriums not only increase yields and ecosystem resilience, they also improve the quality of life of fishermen. Planet Indonesia, a nongovernmental organization, works enroll locals into the environmental reforms through literacy promotion and education.

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  • pH7

    After the legacy of acid mine drainage from abandoned coal mines in Appalachian Ohio, there are several initiatives working to clean up the rivers and streams. Change-agents from universities, local organizations, and the government joined together in the 1990s to use both active and passive methods of neutralizing the pH level of the streams. Since then, they've brought the pH acidity down from 4.5 to 7 and grown the number of fish species from 4 to 37, and efforts are still ongoing and optimistic.

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  • Running Out of Children, a South Korea School Enrolls Illiterate Grandmothers

    In some schools in rural South Korea, grandchildren and grandparents learn side by side. In recent years, a declining birthrate in South Korea has led to empty seats in many elementary schools. Many elder women, who missed out on the chance at a full education themselves, are helping to fill the vacancies.

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  • A Public School Makes the Case for ‘Montessori for All'

    “From 2000 to 2015, more than 300 public Montessori schools have opened across the U.S., often in low-income and racially diverse communities.” Montessori schools have a different approach to teaching—tactile learning, that is more holistic and child-centered. For decades, these schools were mostly in white, affluent communities, but that is changing, and their methods suggest they work. A recent study found that Montessori schools in South Carolina outperformed their counterparts in standardized tests.

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  • Coming home: How offender re-entry programs increase job placement and decrease recidivism

    Maine's only offender re-entry program for women in Windham is on its way to replicate the success of similar programs in Texas and Nevada. Federal justice research has shown that offenders that go through re-entry programs are less likely to reoffend and more likely to hold down a steady job. The Windham program works towards this through their education program that incorporates students from local colleges as well as utilizing a collection of best practices developed by similar programs.

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  • Participatory Grantmaking for Teens: The Funders Who Trust Girls to Make Grants

    Nine philanthropic organizations, including Plan International and Comic Relief, make up the With and For Girls Collective, which asks teenage girls worldwide to select girl-led initiatives to fund, a process known as participatory philanthropy. Since 2014, the collective has funded 60 organizations across 41 countries for nearly $3 million.

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