Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Lakota Horse Culture Is Helping Treat Child Trauma in South Dakota

    Using animals as a form of therapy is not a new concept, but combining this practice with traditional Lakota horse rituals has proven to be a powerful anecdote for treating youth mental trauma in these communities. Treating the donated horses as companions, the youth learn how to care and train the equines all from the mindset of how these animals have played a role in Native American culture and history.

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  • "Memory Cafes" offer support for people with memory loss and their caregivers

    Living with dementia can often lead to loneliness for not just those inflicted, but also the caregivers involved. To help create a community around this, the Ypsilanti Senior Center has started a monthly Memory Cafe that serves as a place for others in these situations to converse and connect.

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  • Facing Segregated Schools, Parents Took Integration Into Their Own Hands. It's Working.

    When City Hall was slow in addressing the issue of the deeply segregated schools in Manhattan and Brooklyn, parents took the matter in their own hands and drafted a proposal to integrate the students more. High-achieving students will enroll in low-performing schools and vice-versa, as well as doing away with the competitive admissions process to open up more spaces for students who are poor, homeless, learning English, or more. City Hall eventually approved the proposal with very little input from the mayor, but parents still maintain that they have a lot of work ahead of them still.

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  • Decades of wise use pay off for a Kabale wetland

    In 1980, the Ugandan government signed an agreement with local communities in the Mugandu–Buramba wetland that gave them the right to own, manage, and conserve their own property. Today, the wetlands are thriving —reducing degradation and improving biodiversity— and creating a livelihood for the 276 people that live there. The government says that since they are using the land responsibly, their agreement will continue.

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  • Jury of their peers: Youth court aims to keep students out of criminal justice system

    In Newark Youth Court, the common mistakes and misbehavior of childhood lead to a trial in which all of the participants are high school students, and the outcomes center on second chances and atoning for wrongdoing through community service and decision-making classes. The court, which hears about 100 cases per year, serves as an alternative to pushing allegations of minor fights, vandalism, and truancy into the justice system, where punishment falls most heavily on youth of color and can wreck lives without solving the discipline problems.

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  • Hospital develops AI to identify patients likely to skip appointments

    When people don't show up for an appointment, it can cost hospitals a lot of money and also unnecessarily increase wait times for other patients. A hospital in London is trying to reduce both the cost and wait problems by using artificial intelligence to predict which patients are most likely to be no-shows.

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  • What happens when students are given a say in school budgets?

    This year, New York City's Department of Education introduced participatory budgeting in 48 public schools to bolster civics education and create a more transparent budgeting process. At Veritas Academy in Queens, students conducted research, consulted teachers, and prepared pitches in pursuit of the $2,000 of the annual budget available; in the end it was a close race between a greenhouse, multi-purpose studio, and filtered water fountain.

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  • How giving entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space revived a North Avenue storefront and built a collective

    Pop-Up MKE was a pilot program that provided a risk-free way for artists to see if their products would sell in a retail space by giving 19 urban entrepreneurs 30 days of free retail space and mini-grants up to $2,000. Four participants formed The Bronzeville Collective MKE LLC and, after negotiating to stay in the retail space, they doubled their own sales and feature products from other creatives, particularly entrepreneurs of color. They split the rent four ways and collect a 20% vendor fee. Other participants in the pilot moved to permanent storefronts and/or expanded their retail presence.

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  • NH recovery centers model how to treat recovering employees

    When people begin treatment for addiction, it can impact how they are viewed as an employee at their place of work. New Hampshire is working to change this stigma through the Recovery Friendly Workplace initiative that focuses on seeing treatment as a strength rather than weakness and also builds in practices to the workplace environment including trainings and evidence-based health and safety practices.

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  • Cost of the Crossfire: Forum discusses solutions to gun violence in Chattanooga

    Chattanooga’s Times Free Press convened community leaders from across the city to discuss gun violence. Beyond exploring the many forces causing gun violence, like toxic masculinity and social media, the forum provided a platform for participants to voice what needs to happen to explore what’s possible. Citing interventions such as decreasing mental illness stigma and teaching conflict resolution at a young age as possibilities, underpinning each idea was the need for people to be active in their communities.

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