Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • What Ohio's Co-op Evangelists Learned From Spain's Thriving Union Co-op Network

    Modeled after Spain’s Mondragon, an organization that helps develop cooperatively-owned businesses, Co-op Cincy is a nonprofit incubator helping businesses in Cincinnati, Ohio, do the same. The organization runs an educational course to teach teams everything they need to know, provides access to loans, and has ongoing technical assistance for its co-ops.

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  • ENUGU: gate pass to early marriage no more

    The Women Information Network’s Right to be a Girl project provides scholarships to girls who would otherwise be forced to drop out of school, many of whom are vulnerable to child marriage. The program has supported 573 students in schools across Enugu state since 2021.

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  • This NYC elementary school wants to serve everyone, including kids with complex disabilities

    At P.S. 958 in Brooklyn, students with and without disabilities learn together under an inclusive model. Initiatives such as the AIMS program, which is designed for students with autism, allow the school to serve students who might otherwise be segregated in more restrictive settings geared only toward those with disabilities.

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  • In spite of Rising Insecurity, Unemployment in Nigeria: an NGO is Supporting Internally Displaced women with Soft, Hard Skills

    The Skilled Women Initiative training and impact fund trains women in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps, on marketable skills, like sewing, to help them make money and eventually afford to open their own businesses and leave the camps. So far the Initiative has trained over 1,500 women across several states.

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  • Ex-female refugee conserving South Sudan's disappearing forest

    Vivian Kide learned to build fuel-efficient stoves in a Ugandan refugee camp to use less charcoal and prevent deforestation. When she returned home to South Sudan, she began building stoves for other women in her community and teaching them how to do so themselves.

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  • A sanctuary of literary rituals moulds teenagers into star writers

    Through the Hill-top Creative Arts Foundation, teen writers in Nigeria receive mentorship from established writers and learn to give critique and be critiqued by their peers, with the ultimate goal of helping them become published authors.

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  • There's No Uber or Lyft. There Is a Communal Tesla.

    In rural Huron, California, an electric vehicle ride-sharing program, called Green Raiteros, provides free rides for low-income residents who need to get to medical appointments. The organization's 120 clients can call in advance, or just show up when they need a ride.

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  • The Soil Farmers: Black Food Sovereignty and Climate Solutions

    Kendrick Ransome uses ancestral farming techniques like low-till farming and conservation tilling to improve soil health and sequester more carbon on his farm. He founded Freedom Org to teach youth these practices and help other Black farmers do the same after decades of racist lending policies have dwindled their numbers.

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  • First cohort completes new nsyilxcən degree at UBCO: ‘our language is very strong'

    The first eight graduates of a new program run by the University of British Columbia Okanagan, the En’owkin Centre, and the Nicola Valley Institute of Technology received their bachelor's of nsyilxcən language fluency degrees. The program is one of the ways the syilx Nation is revitalizing their language, which is critically endangered. Students spend their first two years learning from fluent speakers in the community and the second two years working on a capstone project that includes an internship.

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  • Lesbian bars have endured — with community, grit and a little reinvention

    Lesbian bars across the United States, like Femme Bar in Massachusetts and Lipstick Lounge in Tennessee, offer a safe space for LGBTQ+ people to connect, be themselves, and build a supportive community.

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