Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • We're Drowning In Plastic Trash. Jenna Jambeck Wants To Save Us

    Jenna Jambeck is an environmental engineer specializing in waste management that became increasingly concerned about how much plastic was washing into oceans and where it was actually originating from. Her seminal research study resulted in an appointment by the U.S. State Department to advise environmental groups and foreign governments on possible responses to managing plastic waste.

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  • Police encounter many people with mental-health crises. Could psychiatrists help?

    More cities like Albuquerque and Louisville, are implementing programs that pair the resources of mental health professionals like psychiatrists with police departments to help officers deal more effectively, and less aggressively, with the mentally ill. That can mean more expense for cities and police departments, but some are seeing cost savings from the investment, as fewer people are routed into the criminal justice or hospital systems. But there are still challenges, including funding and finding enough psychiatrists and others to fill these roles.

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  • To fight loneliness, Irish pensioners are teaching English to migrants

    In over 100 communities in Ireland, elderly volunteers lead English classes for migrants to help them integrate into the community, understand the language, and connect with their neighbors. These informal classes, which help break stereotypes surrounding anti-immigrant sentiments in the elderly community, teach a kind of "street" English that most formal classes don't offer.

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  • Feeding—and healing—the hood

    Project Feed the Hood, a community effort to increase food access and security for lower-income families, has established gardens and pilot programs at ten schools in Albuquerque. The program originally aimed to convert lawns into gardens while giving youth an alternative to military recruitment. Now, it is run by community volunteers and also offers paid internships for youth. “We’re here to resist, to reclaim our food systems, our community spaces,” explains one of the project's dedicated staff members.

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  • Can't Afford a Lawyer?

    Washington state is piloting an initiative to increase access to legal aid for low-income folks. For civil issues such as divorces or evictions, the state has “legal technicians,” which are licensed professionals who fall between attorneys and paralegals. Legal technicians offer services for a fraction of the cost. Other states are looking to scale the solution, such as Utah and Oregon, but there is also some pushback from attorneys’ groups.

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  • Vienna's Affordable Housing Paradise

    Unlike America’s struggle to provide high-quality affordable housing in sufficient quantities, Vienna has achieved an affordable housing system worthy of envy. The government-subsidized housing projects in Vienna need to meet certain design and sustainability requirements, and a competitive design process leads to quality buildings. An estimated 62 percent of citizens in Vienna live in some form of social housing, the European name for public housing. The success of social housing in Vienna has also helped it remain “one of the most affordable major cities in the world.”

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  • Innovation schools are a cross between public and charter. Could they come to Rochester?

    Recent reports show steady improvement for students attending Indianapolis’ Innovation Schools - a unique model that “marries the autonomy of charter schools with the resources and scale of a school district.” While Innovation Schools are controlled by an outside nonprofit or board of directors and are free to make their own curriculum decisions, they rely on the public school system for a number of key resources and their test scores count towards the district's overall performance. Could this structure work in other states with varying political cultures surrounding charters and unions?

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  • Detroit veterans find next "mission" in entrepreneurship

    Veterans in Residence is a program that connects veterans to networking and co-working space in order to help them start their own companies. Entrepreneurship acts as a creative outlet for many veterans, and startup owners in this program are thriving. From starting a virtual reality company to a marketing startup, the veterans benefit from the comfort of a safe space of others who can relate to their own experiences.

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  • ‘We will not serve or pay for meat:' WeWork takes the green workplace to a new level

    The co-working space WeWork is taking a stance in the commitment to the health of the environment by implementing a meat-free organization policy, eliminating all allowable company expenses towards meat purchases. Although not without its limitations, this step will significantly impact the company's energy and water consumption and environmental impact.

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  • Now in Sight: Success Against an Infection That Blinds

    To combat trachoma in Nepal, the W.H.O. has partnered with pharmaceutical companies to provide access to services. In addition to drug donations and affordable services, W.H.O. is building trust by empowering local healers with education that lets them make referrals and providing incentives for latrine use in rural villages.

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