Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Bail reforms moving slowly in Missouri

    Under a large grant St. Louis County is working to reduce jail confinements in the aftermath of the Michael Brown shooting, following several national models. There is also progress toward reducing fines and fees for small issues, with a focus on addressing racial disparities in arrests. But the efforts face challenges that include thousands of outstanding warrants under the old system and a shortage of public defenders.

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  • Labor Organizers Look To Apps To Reach Wider Audiences

    Organized labor unions in WalMart used an app called WorkIt to mobilize workers. The app answers common questions that concern things like paid leave, absences, wages, and legal rights. “Eight years later, OUR Walmart, the flagship project of Organization United for Respect, has claimed a number of victories, including substantially better corporate-wide pay and leave policies.” Key to that has been WorkIt. Now organizers are looking to expand the app to other companies.

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  • Farmworkers Feed Us. How Do We Support Their Kids?

    Children of farmworker families, many of whom travel seasonally during the school year, often need help filling gaps in the curriculum. Since the 1960s, the Migrant Education Program has been providing states with access to federal education funds meant to assist the children of migrant families with meeting educational requirements.. The money is used to provide different levels of support, from summer instruction to specialized curricula, in the states that continue to accept funding.

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  • Saving black babies by saving a neighborhood

    Throughout the United States, black infants face a a higher likelihood of mortality as compared to white babies, but an initiative in Oakland is changing that narrative. Known as the Best Babies Zone, partnerships have formed that allow for greater access to information and resources, while also making the community stronger.

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  • Will dumping plastic straws lead to more environmental progress, or complacency?

    Plastic straws are a big problem for the environment. They end up in the streets, in the oceans and often impacting wildlife in a negative way. Companies like Starbucks have recently announced they will be phasing out their use of straws and a few other companies have since followed suit. Although seemingly a small step, it's a significant one that has propelled a cut in costs for businesses as well as awareness of alternatives for consumers.

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  • A Restaurant Takes On the Opioid Crisis, One Worker at a Time

    DV8 Kitchen is a restaurant in Lexington, Kentucky that employs people recovering from opioid addiction with the hopes that providing jobs and connecting them to treatment centers will combat their addiction. The owners, a couple that owns several other restaurants in the city, maintain high standards for employees, and this is reflected in the impeccable service and the high quality of the food. So far DV8 Kitchen has hired 25 individuals recovering from addiction, helping them lead better lives.

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  • The man who paves India's roads with old plastic

    Dr. Rajagopalan Vasudevan, a chemistry professor in India, has a new approach to plastic. "It's time we stop seeing plastic as the enemy and turn it into our biggest resource," Dr. Vasudevan says. By adding molten used plastic into a mixture of bitumen, a substance that binds roads, the professor found a solution that stuck. India has since paved over 16,000 km of roads since 2002 using plastic as part of the process.

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  • New prison unit opens to help young female inmates

    Connecticut’s women's prison launched a new unit in 2018 devoted to rehabilitation and reintegration. It’s based on prisons for young offenders in Germany, which the state's governor and the head of corrections visited, after which they worked with the Vera Institute of Justice to design one for Connecticut. The women’s unit follows the opening of a similar program for young male offenders where they are mentored by older inmates and receive counseling and education to reduce recidivism.

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  • Chicano Artists Challenge How We Remember the Alamo

    A San Antonio art exhibition challenges the prevalent myth that the Alamo was a selfless Anglo sacrifice for independence by using historical records, past Chicano art, and contemporary art to show the battle was to protect slavery in Texas. The artwork celebrates Chicago justice and connects racism and xenophobia of the past with modern political narratives. The exhibit also elevates overlooked historical facts and underrepresented voices while confronting America’s history of racial and colonial oppression, a battle that is far from complete.

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  • She cut her weekly trash down so much it fits in an unbelievably small jar

    Buying local and in bulk, carrying her own containers, planning ahead and making her own food has resulted in this woman's weekly trash output being contained to a single 2.5-inch-tall Mason jar.

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