Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • She cut her weekly trash down so much it fits in an unbelievably small jar

    Buying local and in bulk, carrying her own containers, planning ahead and making her own food has resulted in this woman's weekly trash output being contained to a single 2.5-inch-tall Mason jar.

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  • Adaptive Technology Programs Turn to Robotics and IoT to Help People Who Have Disabilities

    Governments and schools are investing in technology to better serve people of different abilities. Innovations include text-to-911 for deaf and hard-of-hearing citizens, robotic telepresence for remote students, and the Vitals app, which allows families and caregivers to alert police officers of ways to help developmentally disabled family members.

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  • How Denver's Disability Activists Transformed the City

    Disability activists have used nonviolent direct action for decades, including lying in the street to protest inaccessible public transit and crawling up the steps of the U.S. Capital to support the Americans with Disabilities Act. “We have never gone out a door that we do not have a solution for,” says ADAPT member Dawn Russell. “That’s ADAPT 101.”

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  • New York City Welcomes Refugees Into Its Kitchens

    In New York City, restaurants and non-profits are working to "empower and employ" refugees. Although refugee cooking may seem like a short-lived "trend," the grassroots efforts of organizers and advocates are also being supplemented by companies and like-minded businesses.

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  • Rape Victim Advocates Get a Role Alongside the Police

    Partnering police agencies and advocates for survivors of sexual assault in cities like Philadelphia and New York City has helped to solve some of the difficulties investigators have faced in cases of sexual assault while also holding investigators accountable for their attitudes and follow-through. Audits by advocates have "changed rape investigations nationwide" and provide a model for other cities.

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  • Why Women From Asia Are Confronting U.S. Fracking: Oil Extraction Equals Plastic Production

    Manila Bay in the Philippines is covered in trash - more specifically discarded plastic waste that has been exported from the United States. Facing an imminent risk of the Bay (which many local fishers depend on) disappearing, two organizations partnered together to create the “Stopping Plastic Where It Starts Tour." Targeting specifically U.S. communities experiencing the harmful impacts of fracking, the tour aims to reduce plastic consumption and production through awareness.

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  • Where Autistic Workers Thrive

    Fortune 500 companies are learning to be flexible with hiring processes and recruitment to ensure that people on the autism spectrum are being accommodated. Workers with autism are incredibly productive -- at JPMorgan Chase, they "achieve, on average, 48% to 140% more work than their typical colleagues -- but there is a need for flexibility and understanding to cultivate their talent.

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  • The Cops Standing With, and For, the Gay Communities They Serve

    The Gay Officers League in the New York Police Department started in the early 1980s when memories of the Stonewall Riots were still fresh to support gay officers in the NYPD while also improving relations between the LGBTQ community and the police. NYPD is now one of the most diverse forces in the nation and there are more than 2,000 GOAL members in Philadelphia, Chicago and New England. They have become role models in the gay community while also changing attitudes within law enforcement.

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  • Landing On Your Feet

    PAR-Recycle Works has a twofold mission: reduce recidivism and help the planet. By teaching employees to break down electronics, the program has a sustainable source of funding through the sale of scrap metal. So far, the program has employed 33 formerly incarcerated individuals, and it is successfully helping them reintegrate into society.

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  • Opportunity for Refugees, Nourishment for New Yorkers

    In New York, non-profits like Eat Offbeat, Emma's Torch, United Tastes of America, and more are working to connect American-born citizens with refugees from other countries, using food as a way to spark conversation while also providing employment and job training opportunities. So far, these organizations have helped welcome refugees while also creating cultural awareness.

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