Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The girls who took over a town in rural India

    The teenage girls of Thennamadevi are leaders in their community. They’re actively fighting against gender discrimination by organizing. They successfully lobbied politicians and brought streetlights, and sanitary napkins to their village. Across the country, similar girls clubs are being implemented, reflecting an international girls power movement.

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  • Space Problems, Sh*t Problems, Minnesota Problems

    In the premiere episode of Wyatt Cenac's “Problem Areas” he focuses on fixes for manure polluting waterways, but mostly on policing in America, with an in-depth review of what happened with the death of Philando Castile by a police officer in a suburb of St. Paul, Minn. The show looks at the lack of standards or regulation in how police are trained, and explores how another police force in Ramsey County addresses the issue in the hiring process by focusing on character. But the show also makes it clear there is no one solution to fixing policing in this country.

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  • Competition fosters computer skills in New Mexico schools

    For over sixteen years Melrose Municipal Schools, a small rural school district which oversees the students of Melrose, New Mexico, sets aside funds for the Supercomputing Challenge, an annual science and engineering competition. Students from sixth to twelfth grade meet after school to learn about computer science. “Over 11,000 students have participated.” It has also led former students to find careers in computer science. An analysis “found that 100 employees out of around 10,000 were challenge alumni.”

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  • Gunshot Survivors May Be Eligible for Crime Victim Compensation. Here's Everything You Need to Know to Apply.

    Every state in the U.S. has a compensation fund to help those who experience crime with expenses like medical and dental bills and counseling. However many of the funds go untapped because victims don't know about them or are confused by the process of applying. Injuries from gunshots can be particularly challenging and expensive to deal with, so this guide offers basic steps on how to do apply for help and what kind of documentation victims need to provide.

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  • Saving for Retirement: How Auto-IRA Plans May Secure the Future

    Oregon is helping its residents save for retirement by automatically enrolling those eligible for the Roth IRA retirement savings program. Employees can choose to contribute or opt out, and thus far the participation rate is 80%. As social security benefits are at risk in the future, this program, in Oregon and around the country, is helping people start early in preparing for retirement.

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  • Capitalism for Good: Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge

    Shift Capital, a mission-driven real estate group in Philadelphia, tried a new tactic to bring business back to an old neighborhood. The Kensington Avenue Storefront Challenge asked businesses to apply for open storefront space as well as funding, and nine winners were selected based on financial viability and ability to impact the community. This form of development aims to fight gentrification in an inclusive way.

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  • After hurricane Maria, he's helping the ocean – and its fishers – recover

    Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico communities, land and the local coasts. With many relying on fishing as a significant source of income, fishermen have been suffering since with polluted waters and a diminished fish population. One local man is taking a stance by working with community fishermen to utilize their skills to clean up the coastal waters through incentivizing results.

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  • Apple Now Runs On 100% Green Energy, And Here's How It Got There

    In 2014, Apple reached a milestone by turning their Nevada data center into a 100 percent renewable energy-powered structure thanks to the implementation of solar farms. Just four years later, the company has just reached another milestone - all of its facilities are powered by renewable energy. This step is all part of their efforts to spearhead a focus on environmental initiatives in the tech industry.

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  • Waste Land, Promised Land

    Plant It Forward, a nonprofit in Houston, is leveraging the skills of refugees to set up urban farm plots. By providing training and start-up support, the organization helps these farmers not only to earn a decent income, but to integrate into (and nourish) the community.

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  • The Opposite of Gentrification

    A new program in a Philadelphia neighborhood is offering opportunities for locals to curb gentrification. Gentrification occurs when outside developers come to an area and change it without leaving room for locals to remain. The nonprofit Jumpstart Germantown provides training, mentoring, and loans to community members who want to learn to develop their own neighborhoods in an inclusive and sustainable way. So far, 235 people have graduated from the program, and the model has inspired other Philadelphia neighborhoods to start similar programs.

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