Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Schools nurture students' agriculture interests

    The Agriculture Education program at Penn Manor High school aims to teach about career paths as a farmer or within the larger agricultural industry. This type of high school education is part of a larger national trend to use agricultural education to teach STEM skills and better equip students to enter a technology- and innovation-based agriculture sector.

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  • Welcome to Brazil, Where a Food Revolution Is Changing the Way People Eat

    Since the 1970s, obesity rates in Brazil have been increasing proportionally with the amount of "ultra-processed" foods being consumed. Foregoing healthy, locally produced food has not only resulted in a health epidemic, but has also contributed to a deteriorating economy, strains on the environment, and decaying of culture. Brazil's new food guide and school lunch programme are both founded on the premise of taking a holistic approach to eating, going beyond calorie count to address the environmental, cultural and social elements to food consumption.

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  • Chronically Absent: Is Quality Education in Juvenile Detention Possible in Mississippi?

    Many years of work to improve juvenile-detention centers in Mississippi may curb recidivism rates by increasing the quality of life in detention. Despite those efforts, however, centers might still be unable to give detained students what they need the most—a quality education.

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  • How Malawi Girls Combat Sexual Abuse – Self Defense

    Sexual abuse and rape are frequent and accepted parts of the social fabric in Malawi. To combat that, Malawi girls and boys take self defense classes to learn how to avert assault in order to protect themselves and others.

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  • A Toll-free Number Helps Villagers Live With Animals

    By calling a toll-free number, villagers in India can receive help for filing claims after human-animal conflicts like an elephant stomping on their crops or a tiger killing cattle. The service, known as Wild Seve, operates in 284 villages where a field agent arrives to take photos of the damage and file documentation to the government so residents can receive compensation. Field agents have helped file claims for more than 3,000 incidents. The hope is that residents can receive compensation for their losses quickly and, hopefully, are less likely to harm the animals.

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  • There Is A Shortage Of Male Teachers Of Color. NYC Is Working To Fix That.

    While many of America's classrooms are increasingly diversifying, the demographic makeup of their educators is not, and turnover of minority teachers remains high. A program in New York City called NYC Men Teach is working to foster better representation of minorities at the front of the classroom, providing resources like financial incentives, professional mentoring and training, as well as increased visibility to the growing need for male teachers of color.

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  • Trading parking requirements for more mobility choices

    Substitutes for city parking requirements are becoming increasingly popular throughout the United States. Rather than using off-street parking, many housing developers now provide residents with alternatives that promote reduced driving. This method is better for the environment and lowers the cost of housing in urban areas.

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  • Beirut Madinati has set its sights on Lebanon national politics

    Arab governments have expended a lot of energy keeping politics of any stripe out of the public sphere. With a few hundred volunteers and hardly any money, an upstart campaign called Beirut Madinati — “Beirut Is My City” — is challenging the status quo, displaying the kind of savvy civic politics promised by the Arab Spring.

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  • How 5 local farms are banding together to help an Iraqi refugee in Tompkins County

    Groundswell's Farm Business Incubator Program, along with the help of five other local Ithaca farms, is working to help refugees start their own small farming businesses as they settle into their new lives in the United States. A new farmer can apply to Groundswell for farmer or business training classes, or to lease land at the organization’s incubator farm. The program has mentored and developed sustainable farms with six farmers.

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  • Seattle-area Somali community unites to embrace state's new child-care standards

    When Washington state introduced higher standards for child care, many feared that home-based centers, including those run by women from Somalia, would close. But a group spearheaded by nonprofit Voices of Tomorrow arranged for training and materials in East African languages, helping a stunning 94 percent of providers to acquire the necessary license and to keep their centers - vital especially for low-income, immigrant families - open for business.

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