Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Aided by the Sea, Israel Overcomes an Old Foe: Drought

    Israel has grappled with crippling drought for years. But people have learned to use Mediterranean sea water and recycled wastewater to provide the country with enough water for all its needs.

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  • Rescued from Mumbai's Brothels, These Girls Are Learning to Lead

    A Mumbai-based nonprofit is helping daughters of sex workers transition into a school environment. Therapy, meditation, and classes about social justice help to instill confidence in students.

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  • The California High School Where Students Are Finding Ways to Excel

    In San Bernardino, California - a city that has declared bankruptcy and struggles to keep kids in school, one high school uses a comprehensive approach to teaching by offering positive clubs and college prep education, and even a daycare for students with young children. The school allows for mistakes and windy paths along the road to graduation and offers AVID, a national program that gives one-on-one support for students in exchange for a tough course load and promised dedication to school work.

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  • This Country Just Banned Grocery Stores From Throwing Out Food

    Food waste costs billions of dollars a year and is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. French government just passed a law banning grocery stores from destroying or throwing away unsold food, and instead directing it to those in need.

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  • Weathering This Year's Testing Season

    Standardized testing is beginning to take over school curriculums as test material becomes the predominantly taught information. Teachers begin to wonder how worthwhile the tests are on their students overall education while trying to keep the events positive for the children.

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  • How to grow food in a slum: lessons from the sack farmers of Kibera

    A Kenyan government initiative is helping a growing community of residents to tackle food insecurity in one of the largest slum areas in Africa, championing an unusual form of urban farming: sack gardens.

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  • More Than Just Code

    Currently, women make up only 20% of computing jobs - in 2012, only 18% of computer science (CS) graduates were women , a figure that has been cut in half since 1984 when women made up 37% of CS majors. Now, girls are taught coding and computer programing in an after school program built to inspire girls to become more involved in computer science, a predominantly male job market.

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  • Myanmar's Smart Farmers & Saving Mozambique's Forests

    The effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels and hotter global temperatures, are already having drastic impact on many communities, especially the rural, agricultural regions of countries such as Myanmar (formerly Burma) and Mozambique. Earthrise explores how people in these communities are learning new skills, implementing new techniques, and are striving in every way possible to adapt to these environmental changes while creating hope for sustainable growth in the future.

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  • Sustainability Pioneers: Becoming Energy Independent

    Saerbeck, Germany is setting the standard for sustainable energy use and the reduction of their carbon footprint through a series of projects. Through these projects, private and public buildings as well as farms have installed community owned solar power and transparency around the central heating plant has increased to help inform the community of ways to make less environmentally harmful decisions.

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  • Overkill

    An investigation reveals a startling percentage of medical procedures provided in the United States are unnecessary or inappropriate - harming patients physically as well as financially. This "profit-maximizing medical culture" can be countered by incentivizing health care facilities to eliminate needless procedures, federal crackdowns, and increasing access to information for patients.

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