Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • From Our Prison to Your Dinner Table

    In prison, most inmates are alienated from social practices and can be a tax burden for the states. The Colorado Correctional Industries is a program that positions inmates in different forms of labor such as making stuffed toys, farming fish, picking fruit, tending livestock, and creating crafts to be sold at grocery stores. The program makes inmates into taxpayers instead of tax burdens and offers skills that are useful for future employment once they leave prison.

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  • Shedding light on human rights: do businesses stand up to scrutiny?

    There are increasing costs to business when they fail to respect basic human rights. Many are therefore taking steps to avoid abuses – and are taking a proactive rather than reactive approach.

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  • Vancouver versus the rising sea: how the city is adapting to climate change

    The densely populated Canadian city is tenth most at risk of flooding in the world as climate change raises sea levels. The government has instated a number of successful flood adaptation projects, with an ambition to become the “greenest city in the world."

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  • How cities are searching for solutions among massive mounds of data

    New York City suffered from fires that erupted in overcrowded, run-down apartments. Then the city sleuthed through residential records and found that landlords who foreclosed let their properties fall apart and ignored safety-code violations. Greater Toronto wants to expand upon New York City’s method by using transportation surveys, census data and computer data to build transit lines.

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  • Only 1 in 5 NYC students graduates from college. This nonprofit is going to change that

    Educational nonprofit OneGoal has proven that its model of education helps provide low-income students in Chicago and Houston with the tools needed to pursue a college degree. Now, the nonprofit hopes to improve the college graduation rate in New York City by assisting high school students in understanding the basic techniques to achieve success.

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  • Principal in the Classroom: Can New Orleans make it work?

    When a New Orleans school principal prioritizes and structures her day to maximizing opportunities to empower her staff and provide targeted professional development so that the teachers can best serve under-performing students and ensure they receive the best education possible.

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  • How to Topple a Dictator (Peacefully)

    The Center for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies provides a "blueprint" for peaceful and democratic revolution, busting myths about the process of nonviolent revolt and helping dissidents in countries around the world to accomplish political goals, such as fighting corruption or protecting the environment.

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  • How police can get it right

    Atlanta Police Chief George Turner is building a diversified department that's less reactive and more humane. It could offer lessons after Ferguson.

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  • For V.A. Hospitals (and Patients), a Major Health Victory

    Although patients go to hospitals to receive medical care, many Americans will acquire infections that did not already have them. The United States as a whole has made modest progress at reducing the rates of hospital-acquired infections. Spearheading the efforts, the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers have devised anti-MRSA strategies to keep patients safe.

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  • When Life Gives You Rainwater, Make Shrimp Ponds

    Farmers in Vietnam face rising sea levels but rejected the city's water engineering projects. They prefer gradual measures to cope with climate change so scientists have allowed the farmers to steer the conversation.

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