Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Sex workers in Uganda rally to end spread of HIV through condom distribution and sensitization

    The WOMAN ORGANISATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS ADVOCACY (WONETHA) provides free condoms to sex workers in Uganda to end the spread of HIV. The group distributes about four to five million condoms to regional centers. Everyone can access the free condoms simply by request, without facing stigma or discrimination. The group also carries out “sensitization” campaigns that teach sex workers how to practice safe sex and feel empowered to require condom use among clients. They also work with health care systems to address discrimination and social stigmas that sex workers often face when seeking health care.

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  • How Gen Z Is Fighting Back Against Big Tech

    A growing Generation Z movement is pushing back against social media companies and the pervasiveness of technology in young people’s lives, which can negatively impact mental health. LookUp is one organization that funds young people working to increase digital wellbeing. Funded initiatives include a youth summit that drew 1,200 people, apps that help people manage their social media usage and identify the connections to their wellbeing, and NoSo November, which urges young people to log off or delete all social media apps for the month of November as a group experience rather than an isolating one.

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  • The Anti-Displacement Repair Team of Portland

    Taking Ownership PDX helps Black homeowners to age in place by helping with maintenance to keep their homes livable, like making long-needed repairs and renovations. Since launching in 2020, the group has helped over 50 Black homeowners, raised over half a million dollars and maintains a database of 250 local volunteers who are eager to pitch in on the projects whenever they arise.

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  • Thousands of Alaskans are considering suicide. You can learn to help them choose life.

    To address Alaska’s high suicide rates, especially among youth, programs like the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training teaches people how to safely and confidently talk about suicide. The two-day training provides steps people can use to talk with others about suicide, dispel any shame around the topic, and develop a safety plan with them. The main idea is not to solve all of their problems, but to keep the person safe now. The training combines conversations, videos, PowerPoints and roleplaying to teach the steps, based on a global model developed by LivingWorks 35 years ago in Canada.

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  • Community Rebuilds

    Community Rebuilds is a nonprofit that builds affordable and efficient housing – suitable for Moab’s very hot summers and very cold winters - while educating natural builders in the process. Anyone who is interested in construction, regardless of their previous experience, is welcome to intern at their sites to learn about natural building processes. The organization has built 52 strawbale homes since they started, a healthy and natural material that costs about half of what other new construction is per square foot. The program requires homeowners to volunteer about 20 hours a week building homes.

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  • Armed with pamphlets: the battle to register women voters in Libya

    Libya’s Electoral Outreach Ambassadors program aims to increase women’s trust in the political process and register new voters. The female ambassadors are experienced in civil society participation but are not affiliated with any political or religious group, which is key to building trust given the country’s recent civil war. Ambassadors are trained in many tactics and left to tailor their own strategy so that it is best suited for their own district. Outreach efforts include a combination of house visits, workshops in private and public institutions, and talks with women in public spaces.

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  • Is Abiyamo Scheme To The Rescue For Ondo Women After Abiye's Exit?

    The Abiyamo Maternal and Child Health Insurance Scheme provides free maternal and early childhood care, including hospital deliveries, to improve maternal and childhood survival rates. The government made a budgetary provision to guarantee annual funds, ensuring the program will last beyond the current administration. Traditional birth attendants are paid for every woman they refer to a hospital and hospitals are paid via a lump sum or fee-for-service model. Media campaigns and engagement with local stakeholders have helped increase hospital deliveries and while giving women free high-quality care.

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  • KVNF Regional Newscast: October 28, 2021

    Basalt Vista is the first net-zero affordable housing project in Colorado, based in Basalt. The homes are constructed in partnership with the county, the school district, and Habitat for Humanity. The homes are lined with solar panels and operate using only electricity. They produce, on average, all the energy that they consume and the utility costs to the residents are basically zero once the production begins to generate credits. Rather than prioritizing keeping building costs as cheap as possible, net-zero homes prioritize keeping the costs to maintain the home low.

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  • How Re-usable Sanitary Pads Are Curbing High Drop-out Rates In Disadvantaged Communities

    Lack of access to menstrual products contributes to the high drop rates among girls between primary and secondary school. A collaboration between civil society and government organizations created the Menstrual Health Component for Primary Schools Project to educate both girls and boys, as well as providing girls with a menstrual health kit that includes reusable pads and a menstrual cup as well as a container to clean them. Over 500 students participated in the program in September 2021 with participants feeling empowered to be able to stay in school.

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  • Police Say Jiu-jitsu Can Make Them Less Violent During Arrests

    Police recruits in Marietta since 2019 have been required to be trained in the martial art of jiu-jitsu before they can go on patrol. Many officers stick with the training, and many other police departments are copying Marietta's policies. Supporters argue that jiu-jitsu, which involves no kicking or hitting, gives officers greater control and confidence in confrontations with potentially violent people. That, they claim, will lead to fewer uses of deadly force or Tasers. Marietta data shows that fewer officers have been injured, but members of the public get injured at about the same rate.

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