Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Unique School Program that Made a Difference in Gidan-Yaro

    To reach students who had stopped attending school, Nigeria set up “non-formal learning centers” in some states where children could attend lessons three days a week in both Hausa and English, giving them the foundational knowledge needed to reenter the public school system. Between 2016 and 2021, more than 31,000 children transitioned from non-formal learning centers to public primary schools.

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  • Trash is a lifeline for 'los cartoneros,' Argentina's army of recyclers

    People across Argentina are earning an income during a severe economic crisis by joining recycling cooperatives. Members collect recyclables off the street and are paid by the co-ops by material and weight.

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  • The slow recovery of millennial-old salt marshes in Spain

    In Spain's Bay of Cádiz, locals have spent years collaborating with universities, scientists, and government entities to restore their bay's traditional salt marshes. The results? A revived economic sector, a community adapted to rising sea levels, and protected migratory birds.

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  • Cómo se ha consolidado el modelo de reciclaje inclusivo de Buenos Aires

    Despues de años de colaboración entre funcionarios y comunidades, la Ciudad de Buenos Aires logró consolidar un modelo de reciclaje inclusivo, con un sistema de doce cooperativas que engloban a más de 6.500 personas, que gestionan diariamente 7.200 toneladas de residuos.

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  • Renewables power Pakistan village

    With funding and support from the Heritage Foundation Pakistan, a remote, off-grid village installed a solar energy system that supplies residents with free power and has improved their quality of life.

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  • Latino, Black enrollment in advanced math shot up after this simple change

    To improve the percentage of Black and Latino students in advanced math courses, some school districts, such as Hays Consolidated Independent School District, have begun using standardized test scores and performance assessments alongside teacher recommendations to automatically enroll middle schoolers in higher-level classes. The district has seen the share of rising sixth graders enrolled in advanced math rise from 26 percent to 42 percent over three years.

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  • Affordable, Flexible Childcare Helps Indian Mothers Earn More and Worry Less

    The largest central trade union in India, the Self Employed Women’s Association, runs affordable, flexible childcare centers across the country to combat the lack of accessible childcare options creating gender inequality in the job market. Now, women who are members of the union can go to work knowing their children are well cared for and older children can stay in school instead of caring for their siblings.

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  • The butterflies of Liberia: transforming the lives of former child soldiers

    The Network for Empowerment and Program Initiatives (Nepi) helps former child soldiers who struggle with mental health and drug abuse to address and heal from their traumas through cognitive behavioral therapy. The group also provides $200 cash transfers to help participants get back on their feet after completing the Sustainable Transformation of Youth in Liberia (Styl) program, which has helped tens of thousands of young men.

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  • Refugee Organizing Helps Spur Noncitizen Voting in Vermont Cities

    Since 2018, three Vermont cities have passed measures allowing noncitizen voters to participate in municipal elections. This gives them the opportunity to weigh in on matters that affect all local residents regardless of their immigration status, from school budgets to road projects.

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  • Gloves on for out-of-school girls in Jos

    The Sow a Seed for a Girl Child Development Initiative raises funds to help girls in Jos Local Government Area enroll in school, many of whom have never attended or had to drop out due to financial constraints. In the fall of 2023, the organization was able to offer support to 27 girls, including through targeted lessons to help them prepare over the summer.

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