Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Temple students volunteer in fight against COVID-19

    In Pennsylvania, students at Temple University are volunteering their skills to help in the fight against COVID-19, even beyond social distancing compliance. Students are putting their majors to use, whether it's through crafting masks or coding for an open source health data project.

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  • You Can Learn Something From The People Of Wuhan

    While the media mostly highlights the top-down, government-led measures of containment happening in Wuhan, China, an invisible, sophisticated grassroots network has also had a powerful positive effect on stemming the tide of infection. Using social media and apps like WeChat, neighbors helped each other find food and medicine, support the sick among them, and simply survive.

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  • For artists, the show must go on—and Zoom is their venue

    Hosting business meetings over Zoom is nothing new during the coronavirus pandemic, but performing artists are also using the platform and adapting their work to the videoconferencing software. After initial performances were a success, an LA theater company called Theater Unleashed began experimenting with the platform and created a Facebook group for U.S. playwrights and actors who wish to participate. An Atlanta organization called Center for Puppetry Arts started hosting Zoom puppet shows. It isn't a seamless transition, but it is inviting creative adaption from creatives all across the country.

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  • With command and control, Taiwan excels in managing COVID-19

    After the 2003 SARS epidemic, Taiwan formed the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC), which has proved necessary in the face of COVID19. The CECC has helped coordinated screenings for incoming travelers, rationing face masks, creating a hotline, and enforcing mandatory self-quarantines. They’ve also integrated health insurance, immigration, and customs databases to identify those most at risk.

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  • How a 60,000-employee firm survived China's COVID-19 outbreak

    Bosch China Investment Ltd. survived the worst of the Coronavirus pandemic by taking serious precautions early on. This article lays out the specific steps in the timeline of the pandemic that the company took to protect its employees. Tactics include the usual set of tools like social distancing, face masks, and emergency preparedness systems, but it was how they executed the process that made it a success.

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  • Obyčejná rouška

    Českou republiku v začátcích pandemie koronaviru sužoval nedostatek zdravotnického materiálu. Chyběly také roušky, které pomáhají omezit přenos nákazy. Švadlena Michaela Moudrá z jihomoravských Hodějic na krizovou situaci zareagovala po svém: začala šít vlasní roušky. Když se k ní začali přidávat další Češi, založila na sociální síti Facebook veřejnou skupinu Česko šije roušky. Ta získala velmi rychle desítky tisíc členů, kteří se nápadem paní Moudré nechali inspirovat.

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  • Beside a Vast Graveyard, a New City Rises in Haiti

    A survivor of Haiti's earthquake sought out a new home on an unclaimed plot of land which is home to one of the country's largest cemeteries. Madame Roy built a neighborhood from the ground up with the help of architects and funding from people who wanted to be residents of the future city. Roads, homes, a cistern, a soccer field, and a school were all built without the help of the Haitian government. 200,000 residents who lost everything in the earthquake have found a chance to start over in the new city of Canaan.

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  • #BedStuyStrong - A New Kind Of Mutual Support Community

    In the Bedford Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, local residents have formed a mutual aid organization called #BedStuyStrong. The web application Slack serves as the organization's hub, offering a wide range of resources, including grocery requests, COVID-19 related news, and even easy to make recipes.

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  • Cheyenne distillery to make hand sanitizer while closed

    A Cheyenne distillery named Chronicles Distilling is one of several companies across the city that are repurposing their services to suit the needs of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are using their distillery to make hand santizier for local residents, hospitals, and nursing homes. They are also working with Jackson Hole Still Works, Snowy Elk Coffee Company, and more. This project is at its beginning stages.

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  • Saving a city millions of gallons of water – one tap at a time

    As part of the Fix for Life campaign, members of Active Citizens Together for Sustainability (ACTS) have been working with plumbers to install taps on the free water pipes across Kolkata. Without taps, a significant amount of water goes to waste, and this is the problem that ACTS is trying to fix. The group, informed by locals who submit locations of pipes that need attention, are on their way to their goal of fixing 1,500 pipes.

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