Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • (Environmental) Justice for All

    Serenity Soular is a worker-owned cooperative that installs solar panels in an affordable way, focusing on communities of color in North Philadelphia. They employ local residents through an apprenticeship program, training high school dropouts to install affordable clean energy options. Because the solar energy nonprofit was rooted in Serenity House, a community center, they have successfully been able to get buy-in from local residents to help bring more solar energy to their community.

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  • Healthy Eating Is Key To Well Being. So Why Is Hospital Food Always So Bad?

    In an attempt to offer healthier meals and reduce stigma around hospital food, hospitals are reinventing their dining services by hiring professional chefs, nutritionists, and dieticians. At the UC Davis Medical Center, this type of approach has already shown success with a growth in consumers, including an influx of locals from the community even coming to eat at the hospital cafe.

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  • UC has a solution to the national shortage of coronavirus testing — do it in house

    In response to the nationwide deficit of coronavirus tests, colleges in the University of California system are developing their own tests. These tests are increasing the state's capacity for identifying infected residents and decreasing the time required for patients to get their results.

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  • Here comes the sun canoe, as Amazonians take on Big Oil

    The Kara Solar Foundation is looking to connect indigenous communities in Achuar territory in Ecuador to learn about solar power as an alternative to oil. By building solar-powered canoes, they can replace vessels that burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere. While the two boats in operation have run into technical problems, the intercultural training programs are instructing Achuar people on how to fix the technology. “Sustained and truly intercultural collaborations can create technological solutions that serve indigenous communities, rather than destroying them,” says Oliver Utne, the foundation's founder.

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  • Less is more: Lithuanian company's experiment with shorter working hours

    A company in Lithuania cut back the work day from eight to six hours and noted an increase in morale without any negative impact on productivity. Employees reported a better work-life balance, reducing their stress and exhaustion and allowing them more time for activities that boost personal wellbeing.

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  • Singapore Wins Praise For Its COVID-19 Strategy. The U.S. Does Not

    As countries respond in different ways to the COVID19 pandemic, those with systematic government approaches have proven to be strongest thus far. Places like Hong Kong and Singapore created immediate systems for testing and quarantining, putting quick pressure on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. On the opposite end, places like Iran and the United States have fared worse because of a lack of immediate response and capacity for testing.

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  • How Taiwan is containing coronavirus – despite diplomatic isolation by China

    Struggling countries look to Taiwan as an example of how to respond to a crisis like the coronavirus pandemic. Strategies that Taiwan uses include tracking of mandatory quarantines, border control, and its use of technology. They are now looking to expand testing even further.

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  • Advocates, teachers aim to help growing number of young Texas voters wield their power

    Organizations and educators in Texas work to increase voter engagement among young people. Schools must provide voter registrations, but many don't, so some teachers register students and teach the importance of civic participation. Several groups also work to get high school and college-age voters to the polls. MOVE Texas and Texas Rising registered thousands of young voters on National Voter Registration Day in 2019. Utilizing technology, going to where young people are, and teaching media literacy increased civic engagement among young people in 2018, although the turnout was still relatively low at 25%.

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  • How Taiwan and Singapore Have Contained the Coronavirus

    Compared to countries of similar size and stature, Taiwan and Singapore both had extremely effective responses to halt the spread of the novel coronavirus. Each faced their own unique set of circumstances, but they used common tactics, including stopping flights from China, rationing mask purchases, and proactively finding new cases along with quarantining current ones. Both countries' government officials also had effective and clear communications with themselves and the public.

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  • Pour It On: How Dutch Cities Are Soaking up Rain and Reducing Flooding

    A green roof initiative is one of the projects Rotterdam, a city in the Netherlands, is working on to capture and store more rainwater; a solution that might work in Louisiana. With heavier rains and more intense storms due to climate change in both places, the amount of rainfall coming down can overwhelm drainage systems. Although the price tag can be high to build these green roofs, Rotterdam boasts 100 acres of green roofs that have increased the city’s water storage capacity by about 1.6 million gallons.

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