Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Job training that puts people – and their community – back on track

    In Des Moines, Iowa, the Evelyn K. Davis Center provides wraparound support to a wide range of populations seeking stable employment. From internet access to financial counseling to job coaching, the center aims to "individualize ... game plans" and empower clients to become self-sufficient.

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  • Reimagining New York Jails Without Solitary Confinement

    Solitary confinement was once thought of as one of the only effective punishments for violent prison inmates. As more research surfaces showing the severe damage it does to mental health, the racial bias of those placed in solitary, and its relative ineffectiveness, more cities, like New York City, are exploring alternatives to the practice. In places such as Denver, Chicago, and San Francisco, rather than invoking a punitive approach, city officials are offering positive reinforcement – and seeing positive results.

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  • How teen Greta Thunberg shifted world's gaze to climate change

    All over the world, more than 2 million children and teens are participating in classroom walkouts in an effort to bring attention to the severity of climate change. Called, Fridays for the Future, leaders of the movement are gaining traction, and have developed a declaration that emphasizes their demand that world leaders do something to stop the rising global temperature. This movement was sparked by Sweden’s Greta Thunberg, who, at 16-years old, has started this movement, spoken to global leaders, and continues to do what’s needed to demand action in the face of climate change.

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  • Churches arm, train congregants in wake of mass shootings

    With people across the United States living in constant fear of mass shootings, in these despondent times, some churches paying companies to train and arm their members in preparation. While the FBI and other security experts don’t fully support the response, the approach has gained traction. While those protecting the places of worship are all unpaid volunteers, companies like Sheepdog Defense Group are paid by churches.

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  • Push for Ethnic Studies in Schools Faces a Dilemma: Whose Stories to Tell

    California is one of three states developing ethnic studies curricula for K-12 students. In the process, the state is grappling with which questions about groups and histories should be represented and whether teachers, many of whom are white, are prepared to teach these topics.

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  • Can We Change Our Behavior or are We Stuck?

    When Melbourne, Australia came close to running out of water in 2008, the water utility conducted a behavioral study to launch an effective communications campaign aimed at reducing water usage among city residents. Along with the effective advertising campaign, the city distributed water-efficient shower heads, offered rebates to people who bought water-efficient machines, and used other "nudge" techniques like telling people how much water they used in relation to neighbors.

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  • As law enforcement nationwide faces scrutiny, cameras protect both public and officers

    Across the United States, 95 percent of law enforcement agencies have started using body cameras. In North Carolina, the majority of departments have started using such technology in the hopes of increasing transparency, trust, and accountability. While the use of body cams is wanted by both police and the community, finding the funding to purchase and maintain them has been a challenge for some departments.

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  • Skilling South Sudanese Refugees In Bidibidi Settlement Restores Lost Hope

    The Bidibidi refugee settlement in Uganda offers refugees a chance to learn a skilled trade at the Yoyo Youth Vocational Skills Center. At no cost to them, students can learn brick laying, carpentry, tailoring and cutting garments, hair dressing, environmental protection, and more. Since its opening in 2018, most of its students are making a living off of their acquired skills, and many testify to how the center changed their lives.

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  • Court Observers Are Shining a Light on the Immigration Court System

    One way that any ordinary citizen can lend a hand to the plight of those caught in the American immigration system is by being a court observer: someone who sits in immigration court and takes notes by hand. Several organizations are working to develop a standardized way of evaluating judges' treatment of migrants to put it in a central database so that the data can be used to evaluate the human impact by the system as a whole. People who participate testify to the job alleviating despair over the situation as they can mitigate any unfair practices going unnoticed.

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  • First Group Of Students Graduates From Wesleyan's Prison Education Program

    The first class of students enrolled in the Wesleyan University Center for Prison Education has just graduated. The program awards participants with an associate degree from Middlesex Community College in general studies and intends to serve as a tool against recidivism by offering an opportunity for success after incarceration. The Center for Prison Education has existed since 2009, serving 138 students thus far, and started offering a degree option in 2016.

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