Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Without help, Philly kids who lost family to gun violence will 'self destruct.' So this grandmother gave them a getaway trip.

    The group Moms Bonded By Grief went beyond the support-group work it has done for years for survivors of gun violence homicide victims to take 50 children and their mothers and grandmothers to a Poconos Mountains water park and resort. The long-weekend respite from Philadelphia's relentless gun violence included group therapy for children and adults, enabling them to talk about topics that often get buried or ignored. The excursion, funded by donations, is planned to be repeated next summer.

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  • Slow But Steady Progress: Inside Nigeria's Effort To End Open Defecation

    In 2012, the federal government and the United Nations created the Rural Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in Nigeria (RUSHPIN). Through this partnership, they were able to engage community leaders, get them to mobilize, and organize community meetings. Six years later hundreds of communities gained an "Open Defecation Free" status, going from 47 million to 38.4 million people who engage in open defecation.

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  • Queering Climate Activism

    Queer activists and organizers are centering their identity in the environmental justice movement. They form part of a growing movement that doesn't exclude their queer identity in the fight against climate change. Some examples of this work include "Queer Nature," a community where queer people can reconnect with nature. Another example is the "Queer Ecojustice Project," which addresses how queer perspectives were ignored by the environmental movement. This article presents several other examples of the intersection of queer identity with the environmental movement.

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  • Prison offers little to ease domestic violence trauma. This program tries to fill the gaps

    A New Way of Life gives formerly incarcerated women something that most did not get from prison: treatment for the trauma that so many incarcerated women suffered from domestic violence. As an antidote to a system geared to punishing wrongdoing without addressing its causes, New Way provides housing and supportive programs, many of which are taught by women with similar experiences. Some of the women tell their stories of lives repaired and families reunited thanks to New Way's interventions.

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  • Another Challenge for Conservation Efforts: Gender Inequity

    In the environmental sector there is still rampant sexism, women find it difficult to enter leadership positions and face discrimination, according to a six-author study. However, the study also shows that when women are in leadership positions factors that indicate success go up. Women are more likely to say yes to new conservation projects and are more willing to compromise. Case studies from the Maite Marine Sanctuary to the Coastal Conservation and Education Foundation show that women in leadership positions are succesful.

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  • Can 'the people' solve climate change? France decided to find out.

    In order to cut carbon emissions in France, President Emmanuel Macron created an assembly of 150 randomly selected citizens. The citizens "convention on climate" met and deliberated for months before releasing 149 proposals on how the government should address climate change. Although only 10 made it into law without being altered, and 36 others were included form, the final legislation was one of the most comprehensive passed in the history of the country. The recommendations also garnered conversations and inspired the creation of other assemblies.

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  • This library lets you borrow people instead of books. It just may help bridge our bitter divisions

    Human Library is a nonprofit learning platform that allows people to borrow “human books” instead of books. Each person represents a group that faces prejudice or stigmas because of their lifestyle, ethnicity, beliefs, or disability. The group has held in-person and online events in over 80 countries where participants can ask difficult questions that they might feel embarrassed to ask otherwise. The experiences encourage empathy and are nonpartisan. The library has over 1,000 “human books” who speak over 50 languages and has provided speakers for major corporations conducting diversity trainings.

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  • Learning to live with nature is a balancing act

    In India, animals like crocodiles, snakes, and bison are increasingly entering towns and villages due to the destruction of their habitat caused by climate change. The Wildlife Protection and Research Society use a number of methods to help conserve and protect wild animals. They train other volunteers on how to safely capture and release animals back into the wild, post photos to increase interest in animals, and work together with the communities to empower them.

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  • What happens when crime victims and offenders meet? Outagamie County is finding out.

    The Outagamie County Youth and Family Services agency makes restorative justice dialogue available to the victims of crimes committed by juveniles. After preparation with a trained mediator, the two parties meet to discuss the harm suffered by a victim and why a young person committed the offense. Both can be helped through a face-to-face conversation. The county is now considering expanding the program to adults.

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  • These Philadelphians Created an App to Prevent Gun Violence

    Philly Truce is a mobile app that lets people in crisis ask for help from volunteer conflict mediators without involving the police. The app connects people to social services and to volunteers who can help ensure that a personal conflict does not turn violent. Two Philadelphia men with a modest investment launched the app in May 2021. Hundreds already have used it to de-escalate disputes or to volunteer to join the effort to reduce violence. The founders hope to expand the project to other cities.

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