Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Smashing the Patriarchy and Sustaining Peace in Sudan

    Community groups organized by the Collaborative for Peace of Sudan are pushing local male leaders to include women in conflict mediation and peace building. It may take months or even years of convincing, but minds can be changed. One women received applause after finally getting a chance to speak in a peace committee, for example. She brought up unspoken issues, and now helps other women do the same.

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  • Papua New Guinea Aims To Redefine Masculinity In A Way That's Nonviolent

    Advocates who created a hotline for domestic abuse survivors in Papua New Guinea were surprised when many of the people seeking their services were men who had hit their partners. The anonymous phone service allows men to open up about their problems that led to the violence. Other programs focus on teaching young men about healthy relationships and to rethink traditional notions of masculinity that contribute to the country being among the worst in the world for intimate partner violence.

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  • Make America talk again: the lab teaching sworn enemies to have decent conversations

    To navigate conflict, researchers at Difficult Conversations Laboratories suggest “looping for understanding” and priming participants by sharing information showing the complexity of controversial issues. These strategies can build goodwill and the willingness to continue conversing.

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  • Fostering Connections Between Young and Old

    Programs that promote interaction between young and old people benefit both groups emotionally. At a retirement community, Collington, music students perform for and interact with the residents in return for free room and board. Pop-up concerts and shared meals form friendships of the sort that research shows can reduce older adults' loneliness and increase their cognitive engagement. Young people gain in empathy, while both groups can make each other feel more needed. Programs responding to social isolation also bring children as young as infants into senior housing.

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  • When Tamara Parson began fighting for inclusion in central Ohio, nobody listened. Now, that's changing.

    After an incident where a Latino teen was hurled into the ground by white teenagers, and they put a noose around his neck, Tamara Parson jumped into action. She started by organizing town halls with panels made up of people of color. Then that led to the creation of the Diversity Coalition of Knox County. Later, she teamed up with her pastor and created a six week long course titled Overcoming Racism. "It got people thinking about what experience minorities had here. It brought a spotlight to a lot of the diversity that already existed in our community.”

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  • Can mindfulness really end prison hatred?

    Kenya's prisons have a violence problem, oftentimes manifesting between the guards and the inmates. To combat the issue, a mindfulness training program is being piloted that aims to connect the guards and inmates on a more personal level through activities such as meditation, music and art.

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  • Split British town fights back to foster tolerance

    You can’t force people to make friends across ethnic lines, but you can invite them to at least meet each other. In the split town of Rotherham, the National Citizen Service program brings together 16- and 17-year-olds, some white and some with Pakistani heritage, to meet and discuss their differences openly. Participants say it’s a powerful experience.

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  • The peace talks with a difference

    In the People's Peace Talks, ordinary people from Israel and Palestine come together for five hours in a room to reach a peace agreement, without the presence of politicians. With no communication between the two governments, one academic is trying a new tactic by engaging the public in the negotiation process. Despite some shortcomings of a simulation, the ideas generated may be part of a real solution in the future.

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  • Mumbai's 'Rainbow Parents' aim to change hearts and minds in India

    Because there is not widespread acceptance of homosexuality in Mumbai, many parents of LGBTQ people struggle to accept it. To solve this, a number of parents formed a group called, "The Rainbow Parents." The group started in February 2017, and membership has been steadily rising since. They discuss the common issues that face them and how to solve them, and they meet regularly with supplemental Facebook and Whatsapp groups. Parents within the group testify to how comfortable and safe the space is.

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  • Redemption for Offenders and Victims

    In Boston federal courts, select criminal defendants can participate in a restorative justice program called RISE (Repair, Invest, Succeed, Emerge) that delays sentencing while defendants engage in dialogue with crime victims, family, and others. The restorative dialogues are designed for a type of accountability unlike a prison sentence. Eligible defendants must admit their crime, have a history of addiction or other deprivation, and get jobs or attend school. By addressing the harms they have inflicted and the obligations they have to make things right, defendants can earn a more lenient sentence.

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