Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Research says there are ways to reduce racial bias. Calling people racist isn't one of them.

    After the 2016 elections, division, issues of bigotry and racism led to prejudice and resentment. Research studies at different universities around the country have shown that by opening dialogue with people across racial, gender, and class lines, tensions defuse. With conversations, people are more likely to have empathy toward people that are different from them.

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  • At Leschi Elementary, equity conversations are common — among teachers, parents and, increasingly, students

    For many years, Leschi Elementary was a divided school - white kids were overwhelmingly enrolled in Leschi's Montessori program, while students of color were most likely found in the "contemporary" classes. In 2014, staff decided to combine the two curricula, offering all students a "Best of Both" blended model. Leschi now openly encourages conversations about social justice and inclusion among both students and parents and while there was some initial attrition after the change, most families are now quick to point to the clear benefits of the school's shift.

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  • Victim families use their pain to help murderers change

    The Monterey County chapter of Parents of Murdered Children and a rehabilitative group inside the prison at Soledad, Life CYCLE, team up to hold meetings in which parents of murder victims communicate their hurt, and their children's stories, so that incarcerated men experience a new form of accountability. The dialogues, where those convicted of crimes may for the first time truly see a victim's perspective, also benefit the survivors by letting them try to produce something good from their terrible experiences. The program is credited with lowering recidivism rates substantially.

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  • How a Nation Reconciles After Genocide Killed Nearly a Million People

    In an attempt to bring peace to a region post-genocide, Rwanda has implemented "Reconciliation Villages" where survivors and perpetrators live side-by-side. This state-mandated reconciliation has lead to community service events that bring the two populations even closer together as they work to better the community they all live in.

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  • Sisters listen to help heal as Rwanda marks 23 years since the genocide

    Benebikira 'Sister Listeners' offer informal counseling to both victims and perpetrators of violence during the Rwanda genocide, seeking to forge a bridge of understanding. Their roles as listeners are especially important during the annual anniversary of the genocide.

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  • JPS Students Avoid Conflict with Peer Mediation

    Whitten Preparatory, a mostly black middle school, is one of four schools in Jackson that are trying to combat disciplinary issues and keep violence low by using peer mediation - training students to be mediators so they can help their classmates come to a peaceful resolution to their issues.

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  • Schools help Colombians remember what it means to forgive

    Around 2 million Columbians are enrolled in a government funded program aimed at helping people forgive one another. Former guerilla fighters, militants, and victims of violence get together to talk to each other. “I started feeling less rage. I started feeling this pain.”

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  • Somali-American outreach workers bridge divide between community and government

    Somali-Minnesotans feel that US counter terrorism programs are suspicious of them and thus not there to help. A growing number of Somali-Americans have been recruited by public programs to improve relations between Minnesota’s Somali community and government agencies.

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  • Reconciliation: A Tale of Two Seas

    Sectarian conflict in Bahrain has torn friends and families apart, splitting the country into Sunni versus Shi’a. To soften the divisions, Bahrain Foundation for Reconciliation and Civil Discourse has hosted at least one event every month since its founding in 2012, inviting people from all ideologies to participate. These events include dialogue dinners, seminars, and even exchange trips to Northern Ireland and South Africa to learn about reconciliation experiences in those countries.

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  • Alternatives to school suspensions show promise

    Suspensions make kids, especially minorities, fall behind in class and drop out, elevating the risk of incarceration. The Restorative Justice Initiative, in Oakland, has been credited with helping to reduce suspensions by having defiant students talk through the issues.

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