Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • As anti-drag protests rage, counter-protest is a key part of queer activism

    When anti-drag protesters appeared at a library storytelling event in Calgary, counter-protesters from the Fairy Garden Project showed up with pink angel wings to protect performers and attendees entering the event. The strategy follows a long tradition of counter-protest in LGBTQ2S+ communities.

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  • Campaña del mes: cómo ayudar a que más estudiantes con discapacidad visual puedan tener libros accesibles

    Tiflolibros, la primera biblioteca para personas con discapacidad visual de habla hispana, trabaja en adaptar los libros escolares a un formato accesible, para que puedan reproducirlos los lectores de pantalla, software que traduce en audio contenidos digitales. Ya se han adaptado 3.518 archivos, tanto manuales y textos escolares. Unas 76 editoriales han aportado archivos y 2.800 familias y escuelas han solicitado materiales a Tiflolibros.

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  • Philippine tribe boosts livelihoods and conservation with civet poop coffee

    Members of the B’laan ethnic group in a community in the Philippines are improving their livelihoods by foraging for coffee beans excreted by wild palm civets. They can sell the beans at a premium price because they are used to make a luxury coffee brew. And the practice encourages the locals to protect the wild animals, which benefits the ecosystem, too.

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  • The quest to build wildfire-resistant homes

    The shelter-in-place approach is slowly becoming a more common way to survive wildfires that are too violent and fast to evacuate. People using this method congregate in “defensible” buildings created with wildfire resilience in mind that sit in an area clear of flammable vegetation and fuel.

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  • These Farmers Recharged their Groundwater by Catching California's Atmospheric Rivers

    Farmers in California are taking advantage of recent heavy rainfall by intentionally flooding their fields to restore the underground aquifers after years of drought.

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  • From scarcity to abundance: The secret of the 'peace farmers' of Colombia

    La Cosmopolitana Foundation in Colombia offers courses that teach people to live in harmony with each other and nature. The classes focus on sustainability and helping rural communities to work together to create circular economies. Small fees make the classes largely accessible.

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  • This Evolving 3,000-Mile-Long Park Is Already Improving Cities Along Its Path

    The East Coast Greenway is a car-free trail network under development along the East Coast of the United States. The project organizers work with cities along the planned path to build the infrastructure and find funding. The goal is to connect Calais, Maine, and Key West, Florida.

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  • Wind of Change: Energy Blows Across Nebraska Thanks to Wind Farms

    Alongside clean energy, wind farms built on property leased from locals in Nebraska are generating jobs, income, and local taxes that keep small towns like Petersburg afloat.

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  • Shred Up Halabja: Glimpse of Hope Amid Plastic Bombardment

    The Shred Up Halabja Recycling Center is the first successful plastic collection and recycling system in Halabja, Iraq. The project collects plastics from schools, homes, and public places to recycle and turn into usable products. It also educates students about the importance of recycling to encourage understanding and innovation.

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  • Utah golf courses say they're reducing water use. Some can prove it.

    Golf courses in Utah are conserving water amid a severe drought by planting drought-tolerant grass, watering fewer areas, not filling ponds, and using water runoff from a nearby interstate.

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