Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How One University Used Big Data To Boost Graduation Rates

    Georgia State University in Atlanta is using a predictive analytics model to identify red flags that can stop students from graduation. With this system, the university advisors can intervene early on and help students graduate.

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  • Don't Lock 'Em Up. Give 'Em a Chance to Quit Drugs

    In Seattle, the over-policing of drug users has been extensive and frequently racially biased. Looking for a new solution, the LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion) program, driven by a harm reduction philosophy, is connecting users with key social services rather than punishment.

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  • The Invisible Army of Women Fighting Sexual Violence in Colombia

    In Colombia, violence against women and domestic abuse are some of the highest in the region due to prolonged conflict, distrust in police and justice system, and economic oppression. Women are helping each other survive and report abuse outside of official organizations.

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  • King County tries counseling, self-reflection instead of jail for teens

    Restorative justice, a process that originated in New Zealand, aims to repair damaged relationships rather than merely meting out punishment. It can be far more demanding than a traditional route through court, but for juvenile offenders like those in King County, who are statistically likely to get stuck in a cycle of crime after a first prison sentence, the alternative to incarceration may provide a constructive path forward.

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  • Prisoners With Hep C Get Cured In Some States But Not Others

    Currently, debates are ongoing about what to do with the substantial number of US prisoners with Hepatitis C. This piece highlights successful legal action in Pennsylvania that ensured costly treatment for prisoners.

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  • Getting Tried as an Adult Means a Longer Sentence

    In the U.S., some people who are convicted as minors can spend their whole lives in prison. German prisons offer a solution: shorter sentences and a focus on reducing crime once people reenter society.

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  • Guards with Helmets vs the Jolly Lumberjack

    Germany's system of shorter sentences for minors and correctional officer training focused on rehabilitating prisoners could become a model for juvenile detention in the U.S., where guards are currently trained in firearms and self-defense.

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  • Germany has a different approach, better results

    In the United States, minors are often tried and sentenced as adults, leading to traumatizing circumstances and high recidivism. In Germany, minors cannot be tried as adults and are put in prisons that double as farms, aiming to mirror the outside world.

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  • Replacing Military-Style Detention

    Mississippians who receive earned probation for crimes that do not carry a death sentence or involve deadly weapons will now have access to high-school equivalency education, alcohol and drug counseling, re-entry and employment services—and perhaps, most importantly, "Thinking for a Change," an evidence-based cognitive behavioral-therapy program.

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  • Welfare and the Underappreciated Value of Long-Term Thinking

    Different states have demanded welfare recipients to work and report their logged hours to a welfare counselor, but this practice can make welfare recipients feel more like a statistic than real people. Ramsey County, Minnesota, has addressed a new way of offering job assistance—by developing skills for job retention, further education, and work planning with the counselors.

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