Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The Fix (2015)

    Drugs like Naltrexone have shown a 78 percent success rate in reducing heavy drinking. However, only one percent of alcohol users ever get prescribed medication. Despite that some alcoholics are treating their illness with medication, and are saying that medication is helping them treat their addiction and reduce their cravings.

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  • Creating Guardians, Calming Warriors

    In an effort to reduce the incidence of police brutality, a new style of training recruits emphasizes techniques to better de-escalate conflict situations.

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  • Drug may give those leaving jail a better shot at recovery

    An epidemic of opioid use in Massachusetts resulted in more than 1,200 fatal overdoses last year. Authorities turned to Vivitrol injections, which make a drug-induced high impossible, to cut rates of both addiction and incarceration.

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  • Decriminalizing Drugs: When Treatment Replaces Prison

    Portugal has gone perhaps the farthest in decriminalizing drug use. It hasn't stopped drug usage, but it has reduced deaths, the spread of H.I.V., drug crime, and imprisonment.

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  • Removing Children from Abusive Situations at Home Isn't Always the Answer. This Is

    During the early 1990s, New York City had a sky-high number of kids in foster care. Now, it's safely keeping them with their families, placing them in foster care only when necessary.

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  • How the Gun Control Debate Ignores Black Lives

    In the U.S. 200 black men are killed with guns for every 3 people killed in a mass shooting. Little federal attention is given to urban violence programs even though there exists an effective deterrence program implemented in various states.

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  • A fight to keep students in class

    Indianapolis' Howe High School has joined the movement surfacing in America's public schools towards restorative justice. In 2015, in lieu of suspensions and expulsions, Howe's leadership formed a peer justice jury to help fighting students talk through their conflicts and anger. Just one year after the program's inception, the school's expulsion rate decreased 90 percent, saving over 600 hours of what otherwise would have been students' lost classroom time.

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  • In class, out of court: How one school district triumphed over truancy

    Traditional truancy punishments have done little to keep kids in school. One school in Washington state created a truancy board to investigate the reasons behind every student's chronic absences, and to make appropriate adjustments to meet his or her needs.

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  • 'Housing First' Is Helping Female Vets Stabilize

    The VA has shifted its approach to ending homelessness among veterans. Now, a place to live--more than drug treatment or mental health counseling--is considered the starting point for helping a soldier who is struggling to cope with life after discharge.

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  • Veterans, gang members find peace in unexpected 'brotherhood'

    The anti-violence program at a YMCA in Chicago has war veterans mentoring young gang members as a treatment for the mental and physical wounds of violence. The gang members have healthy role models and the veterans a new sense of purpose.

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