Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Needle exchanges

    The Tacoma Needle Exchange in Washington doesn't only provide a place for a clean needle exchange but also provides Narcan and fentanyl test kits to those who visit the white van for new syringes. Although the approach is still controversial at the federal funding level, studies have proven that this practice decreases the spread of infectious diseases.

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  • From Hoarding to Healing in California

    Hoarding can be a symptom of depression or an outlet for trauma, and was forcing low-income seniors out of housing in California. To address this, researchers collaborated with various agencies and organizations to offer an approach that offers both mental health help and public assistance.

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  • Treating PTSD

    Various therapies have shown promise in treating post-traumatic stress disorder, especially for those also suffering from chronic pain or addiction. One method, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, helps those suffering from PTSD address painful memories that may be at the root of their pain and addiction too.

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  • Where are the overdose prevention centers Cuomo promised?

    Overdose prevention centers, common in Europe and Canada, give drug users a place to inject drugs safely. Though U.S. laws make them challenging to run, many have appeared in various states, including in New York. A yearslong attempt to institutionalize the practice in New York has been blocked by Gov. Andrew Cuomo, despite clear evidence that lives are saved when drug users have clean needles and safe spaces to use, and where overdoses can be treated immediately.

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  • Taking The Cops Out Of Mental Health-Related 911 Rescues

    Eugene, Oregon’s Crisis Assistance Helping Out On The Streets (CAHOOTS) program provides specialists in response to mental health-related calls instead of police. The 30-year-old program partners with nonprofits, law enforcement, and social services to provide individuals in crisis the resources they need. Around the country, cities like Denver, Oakland, and Vancouver seek to implement similar approaches, recognizing the need for more supportive, community-oriented approaches to mental health.

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  • Sokolovská škola bojuje proti šikaně lépe než zbytek Česka, snaží se ji podchytit hned v počátku

    Více než polovina žáků druhého stupně českých základních škol se setkala s šikanou. Existují však i školy, kterým se daří tento negativní jev úspěšně potlačovat. Jednou z nich je Základní škola Sokolov, kde je výskyt šikany hluboko pod celostátním průměrem. Tamní vedení se ji snaží podchytit již zpočátku. Proto do výuky zapojilo sociální pracovníky, kteří na žáky dohlíží o přestávkách. Důležitou roli má také vzdělání učitelů. Ti absolvují školení, na kterých se učí, jak s šikanou ve výuce pracovat.

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  • A Tale Of Two Cities: New York Providers Credit 'Aftercare' For Helping Youths Transition Home

    After kids spend time in one of New York City's community-based incarceration facilities, they are enrolled in an "aftercare" program, which includes group meetings and mentoring, to help with the transition. As Milwaukee continues to reform its youth prison system, it is looking to New York as one promising model to consider.

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  • Finding Home: When Eviction Looms, Landlords Have Lawyers. Now More Tenants Do, Too.

    In North Carolina’s Mecklenburg County, they’ve allocated funding for tenants to have access to free legal aid, provided by Legal Aid of North Carolina, in their eviction cases. With eviction often being the start of a downward spiral, having legal representation can help people prevent or delay their evictions. Beyond funding some legal aid, the courthouse also provides residents with information about evictions and their specialty eviction court.

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  • What follows punishment?

    Minnesota’s Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA) program takes a restorative, rehabilitative approach to sex offender re-entry and has lowered the risk of recidivism by 88%. The initiative provides participants with a group of volunteers that help them with emotional support, job finding, and challenge and shift the attitudes and behaviors that led to the committed crime. The rise of the #metoo movement has given way to the complexity of sexual assault, restorative justice, and rehabilitation – making programs like CoSA both more necessary and challenging to sustain.

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  • A Decade Of Diversion: Franklin County's Court For Addiction Recovery

    Merging accountability with treatment promotes recovery for those charged with drug possession. In Franklin County, Ohio, the municipal court system operates a program called Helping Achieve Recovery Together. The court recovery program provides a two-year track for participants to receive mental health support from peers and the courts, with the goal of moving them from the criminal justice system and into treatment.

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