Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Treating the Lifelong Harm of Childhood Trauma

    Childhood trauma has lasting effects on development and stress response, but these can be treated with behavioral therapy and proper interventions. Dr. Nadine Burke Harris of the Center For Youth Wellness insists that part of general care should be ACE assessments for childhood trauma. The effects of intervening when trauma is recognized has serious, positive, lifelong implications for patients.

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  • Norway: Recidivism Rates

    Prisons in Norway are designed to simulate life on the outside. Inmates are encouraged to work and get an education, and officers chat and do activities alongside them. Norway spends a lot of money per prisoner, but the system seems to contribute to the country’s low recidivism rates.

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  • Drug crisis in Ohio: What solutions are making a difference?

    As a state, Ohio has shifted time and resources towards fighting the opioid addiction crisis, with many agencies, organizations and people collaborating on solutions. The standout solution thus far has been the Community Overdose Action Team which combines efforts to work on "eight focus areas from increasing treatment accessibility to decreasing the illegal supply of drugs."

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  • Principal Progress: Trauma-Informed Efforts at One Alaska Elementary School

    For students who have experienced adverse childhood events (ACEs), support and disciplinary efforts that take trauma into account are essential for them to excel in school. An Alaskan elementary school has done just this by training teachers about ACEs, identifying and supporting students at risk for isolation, and restructuring discipline by providing a space for students who act out to talk about what is going on in their lives.

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  • Redemption for Offenders and Victims

    In Boston federal courts, select criminal defendants can participate in a restorative justice program called RISE (Repair, Invest, Succeed, Emerge) that delays sentencing while defendants engage in dialogue with crime victims, family, and others. The restorative dialogues are designed for a type of accountability unlike a prison sentence. Eligible defendants must admit their crime, have a history of addiction or other deprivation, and get jobs or attend school. By addressing the harms they have inflicted and the obligations they have to make things right, defendants can earn a more lenient sentence.

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  • How UWM peer Georgia State figured out how to graduate more black students

    From 2010 to 2017, the number of African American students awarded bachelor's degrees at Georgia State doubled - African American students now graduate at a slightly higher rate than their white counterparts. For the change, Georgia State credits its "GPS advising" system that leverages student data to intervene as soon as students show signs of slipping (a failed quiz, a missed class) and advises students on course planning for each major. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, with one of the largest graduation rate gaps between blacks and whites nationwide, is looking to replicate Georgia State's success.

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  • Giving Building Materials and Ex-Inmates a Second Chance in Baltimore

    Ex-offenders who get re-entry training and job opportunities are significantly less likely to wind up back in jail. A manufacturer called Brick + Board in east Baltimore hires employees with histories of incarceration. The company helps ex-offenders while also giving construction materials a second life in new projects.

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  • She Ran From the Cut, and Helped Thousands of Other Girls Escape, Too

    Seleiman Bishagazi and the Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP) are piloting a program that is on track to stop the practice of female genital mutilation. When a girl undergoes circumcision, her family receives monetary gifts from the community and the woman who performs the cutting is paid as well. This solution focuses on getting women into agriculture so that they have a steady income and don't need to rely on genital mutilation for capital.

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  • Is School-Discipline Reform Moving Too Fast?

    As the national education discussion has shifted away from zero tolerance discipline policies towards reduction of suspensions and the introduction of restorative justice tactics, some teachers and administrators say the change is happening too fast. Following the elimination of suspensions, at one school in Washington state, each year almost 13 percent of district staff left. Teachers cited lack of training and inconsistencies between standards and implementation in different classrooms as reasons for departing.

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  • Solutions to Homelessness

    Reno, Nevada, like many other cities in America, is facing a rise in homelessness and a lack of affordable housing. This podcast discusses various solutions implemented by Reno officials, including Washoe County's Crossroads program and other non-profit programs to provide comprehensive services for the homeless.

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