Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Syracuse doctor puts ER on front line of opioid epidemic

    Dr. Ross Sullivan, an ER doctor at Upstate University Hospital is trained in addiction treatment and has created a program in the emergency room to get overdose patients Suboxone while they wait to be admitted into inpatient treatment. Most doctors are unable to prescribe Suboxone for more than 72 hours, and most rehab facilities don't have room to admit new patients within that time frame. This solution allows patients seeking treatment for opioid addiction to access the care they need while they wait for more extensive treatment.

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  • Courts That Save Opioid Victims' Family Life

    The rampant opioid epidemic tearing through communities across the United States is exacerbated by a rigid court system that fails to address individual needs and a severe lack of comprehensive treatment options, even for those who want to get clean. Family Treatment Court, like the one in Chautauqua County, N.Y., provides parents who are addicts an innovative intervention program that includes a broad range of custom-tailored services to permanently quit their drug use and keep their families together.

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  • How to Win a War on Drugs

    By addressing drug addiction as a medical—rather than criminal—issue, Portugal has been able to reduce drug use as well as deaths caused by drugs. Strategies implemented include decriminalization, increased access to treatment, changes in prescribing patterns related to opioids, and ‘dissuasion’ courts.

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  • Let down and locked up: Why Oklahoma's female incarceration is so high

    Oklahoma currently locks up more women than any other state in the country, incarcerating females at more than double the national rate, and harshly deals out ever-longer sentences to prisoners, disproportionately targeting poor women and those of color. Tulsa is the one exception, thanks to a charitably-funded, intensive programs like The Education and Employment Ministry and Women in Recovery, which combine shorter prison terms with rehabilitative treatment and supportive probation, including drug addiction recovery, employment assistance, and life skills classes.

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  • The Latest Trend in Reducing Recidivism: Keeping Mothers and Children Together

    Most states and cities don’t permits mothers who give birth in prison to stay with their children. However, scattered across the country are programs like ReMerge, a program in Oklahoma City that allows mother and children to stay together, and avoid prison time. Programs like these are working, and yield lower recidivism rates.

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  • D.C. offers amnesty to parents who are behind in child support

    Billions of dollars in child support goes unpaid every year in the United States, but not all of those parents missing payments are negligent deadbeats - many are unemployed, incarcerated, or have disabilities that are prohibitive to earning enough money. A new amnesty program in Washington D.C. is taking a closer look at individual cases to determine which parents may just need an extra boost to help find a job or otherwise make their payments, and is forgiving debt while providing grants and other resources to help them support their children.

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  • Meet the Disruptor: Quaker City Coffee

    Christian Dennis stood up in front of his class and told them about his life: He sold drugs, went to prison three times before the age of 18, and realized he had to start over. That’s all his classmate, Bob Logue needed to hear to realize he wanted Dennis to be his business partner. Together, they started Quaker City Coffee, a business they hope can “bridge the gaps between Philly neighborhoods.” How can they do that? By hiring former inmates, and giving back money to the community.

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  • Wilmington's Solution to the Opioid Crisis

    The opioid crisis has resulted in numerous addictions, overdoses and deaths, leading North Carolina to reassess how they are handling the crisis. A rapid-response team checks on users after being given naloxone, health-care navigators will help users get treatment, and individuals will be sent to treatment instead of prison.

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  • New Zealand Tries a Different Kind of Private Prison

    The privatized prison system is largely skewed against inmates, as most are funded based on the number of individuals incarcerated, creating a disincentive to invest in the rehabilitation and comprehensive treatment of inmates. But the Wiri prison in Auckland is piloting a new approach that focuses on the greater good: the government pays the prison for positive results based on recidivism rates and improved outcomes for inmates, especially the Maori minority.

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  • Santa Fe clinic steps to the plate in opioid war

    New Mexico has been fighting the rise of the opioid epidemic for decades, so when medical professionals noticed an increase in opioid-dependent mothers giving birth, one doctor started a new program to address this. This program uses both medication-assisted substance abuse treatment and behavioral therapy, and has resulted in a decrease in overdose deaths.

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