Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • London saw a surprising benefit to fining high-polluting cars: More active kids

    After a clean air zone was created in London, where vehicles have to pay a daily fee to enter unless they meet strict pollution standards, more young students in the area began walking and biking to school.

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  • How coastal communities are adapting to sea level rise with 'living shorelines'

    Coastal communities in Maine are building living shorelines to adapt to sea level rise and address erosion concerns. This nature-based solution uses native plants and materials, or even discarded holiday trees, to bolster shorelines against strong storms and higher tides. And they get stronger as nature takes its course over time.

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  • Birmingham tries blocking streets to reduce crime. Is it working?

    City officials put up concrete barriers and road closed signs across 18 entry points to the Eastlake neighborhood in Birmingham. As part of the city’s Project Safe Streets pilot program, the road closures are intended to deter speeding, shootings, and other crimes.

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  • The results of the biggest study on guaranteed income programs are finally in

    One thousand people received $1,000 monthly payments with no strings attached for three years as part of a guaranteed income study led by the nonprofit lab OpenResearch. The participants were young, low-income Americans across Illinois and Texas, and the flexibility of the cash payments allowed them to spend more on their basic needs, have more time with their children, and improve their employment situations.

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  • A New Wildlife Crossing Provides Safe Passage Over a Busy Interstate

    Environmentalists, biologists, wildlife advocates, and even ski clubs formed the I-90 Wildlife Bridges Coalition to push for wildlife crossings to be a part of a massive construction project on Washington’s heavily trafficked Snoqualmie Pass. The Department of Transportation took notice. It's working with other government agencies and wildlife experts to install bridges and tunnels designed for animals of all sizes to safely cross the road.

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  • B.C. caribou pens found to be an 'unequivocal' success

    The West Moberly First Nations and the Saulteau First Nation are working together to save the local Klinse-Za caribou herd from disappearing. They created a large fenced habitat where caribou and newborn calves can survive away from predators and keep a careful watch on the animals.

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  • How Native Nations Forced Federal Investment in Salmon Reintroduction

    The Upper Columbia United Tribes are working to reintroduce salmon along the Upper Columbia River after the Chief Joseph and Grand Coulee Dams altered the environment, preventing the salmon from returning. Their research on the impact of the dam on the river, salmon, and their culture has pressured the U.S. government to uphold its obligations to them. So far, it’s committed $200 million for the reintroduction efforts as a result.

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  • With prayers and well wishes, students release thousands of salmon fry in Okanagan waters

    The Okanagan Nation Alliance leads a Fish in Schools program that donates fish spawn and the equipment to raise them to elementary and secondary schools near their territory. Thousands of fish raised by the students are released into local waterways during ceremonies at the end of the school year as a part of their efforts to bring salmon back to the area.

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  • Can Seaweed Save American Shellfish?

    Researchers, conservationists, and shellfish farmers on both U.S. coasts are starting and studying seaweed farms as a way to soak up excess nutrients in acidic water to help shellfish survive and grow.

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  • An experiment doled out money to homeless people in Denver, no strings attached. Here's what happened.  

    The Denver Basic Income Project provided people experiencing homelessness with no-strings-attached monthly stipends that they could spend however they’d like. At the end of the pilot, twice as many participants were in stable housing, more of them were working full time, and the nights that participants spent in shelters decreased by half.

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