Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • When a Supermarket Changes How a Neighborhood Feels About Itself

    In a Pittsburgh food desert, the addition of a new supermarket increased residents' level of satisfaction with their neighborhood. Researching people's relationship with food and their community could improve federal efforts to fight food insecurity and poor eating habits.

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  • Housing deals boost Midtown's revival in Detroit

    Five years ago, Detroit created a program called Live Midtown to encourage business growth and homeownership in the area. The aim of bringing more people to live in the neighborhood has been exceedingly successful, and data shows a racially and economically diverse group of people have moved to Midtown. The funders of housing incentives now need to decide whether they will continue to fund the program.

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  • In El Paso, a path to change domestic violence

    In El Paso domestic violence cases are processed more effectively by having social workers, prosecutors, and law enforcement work together to get immediate support to the victims and hold the aggressor accountable.

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  • As Schools Buy More Local Food, Kids Throw Less Food In The Trash

    A national census of farm-to-school lunch programs said the kids ate more healthful meals and threw less food in the trash than kids not on the program. In D.C., by law, schools must incorporate some local food.

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  • Stopping Absenteeism at the Age of 5

    Missing days at school, even when excusable, starts children on a pattern of falling behind. A new U.S. department of education initiative has districts tracking all absences, even in kindergarten, to identify and help kids with chronic absenteeism sooner.

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  • Higher Ed's Moneyball?

    A Florida community college is boosting learning and graduation rates with new technology that gets professors access to real-time data on student engagement and performance.

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  • A Peek Inside Three Cutting-Edge Schools

    Increased technology in classrooms is popular among schools in the U.S. However, research suggests that its effect is sub-optimal due to low-quality software, implementation, and participants' digital skills.

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  • The Case for Gun Courts

    Cities in the U.S. have decreased recidivism through specialized courts for firearm offenders. These efforts, however, have not helped overall gun violence, so university research is suggesting new tactics.

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  • We Know One Way To Stop Sexual Assault, But Students Aren't Doing It

    A national survey showed that few college students intervene when witnessing a sexual assault. The school with the highest rate of student intervention was Dartmouth College, where students receive bystander prevention training.

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  • Can Bats Reduce Nut Farmers' Pesticide Use?

    In California some farms lose up to 10 percent of their crop due to coddling moths. Davis University is measuring the impact bats have on various walnut farms, such as potential savings from reduced insecticide use and crop loss to insects.

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