Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • The “gifted” system in US schools is broken, racist, and completely fixable

    "Gifted" programs in the United States are often not representative of school populations, with a disproportionate number of spots going to white and well off students. The National Bureau of Economic Research found that when one district implemented universal screening programs in lieu of teacher referrals to identify gifted students, there was a 180% increase in disadvantaged students qualifying for the program.

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  • A New Way of Fighting Crime—and Helping Victims—on the Violent Streets of Los Angeles

    Four community groups in the Los Angeles area work to address the root causes of what draws young people into gangs with a mix of approaches to help people leave the gang life, including education and job services, counseling, addiction services, and tattoo removal. Some also focus on helping victims since so many gang members start out life as victims themselves and this feeds into a cycle of violence. All of them focus on creating community and belonging, which is why so many young people join gangs in the first place.

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  • Preventing Crime for Pennies on the Dollar

    Researchers set out to measure the efficacy of a program called Becoming a Man, which seems to be proving that, for all the billions of dollars spent on complicated anti-crime programs, something as simple and cheap as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy seems more effective in reducing crime (and, not unrelated, keeping teenagers in school).

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  • What other places starting to test rape kits can learn from Ohio

    When processing rape kits, it may be faster and more cost-effective to extract DNA profiles rather than first screen swabs and undergarments for semen. Ohio’s crime lab, which has identified a potential suspect in nearly 40 percent of recent cases, has made this and other changes to its procedures.

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  • Teachers Wanted: Passion a Must, Patience Required, Pay Negligible

    Across the country, an improving economy has pulled teachers and potential teachers away from the profession, creating a growing national shortage. Leaders at Elmhurst Community Prep managed not only to completely staff the school by early June, but to avoid taking on anyone who was not fully certified.

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  • How an unconventional principal used blended learning to help turn around a struggling urban school

    Through effective leadership and blended traditional and online learning, a struggling school in Rhode Island improved student achievement, teacher satisfaction, technology upgrades, and parent involvement.

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  • Cats of the Urban Wild

    New York City is home to an estimated tens of thousands of stray and feral cats, posing a problem for the city. To humanely handle this population concern, the city is using a method known as Trap-Neuter-Return (T.N.R.) that goes against the previous methods of euthanasia.

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  • Nigeria's polio endgame and a chance to improve struggling routine vaccination services

    In light of a study published in BMC Medicine, authors Nancy Fullman and Alexandra Wollum take a deeper dive into Nigeria’s gains against polio and what they could mean for the country’s routine vaccine systems.

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  • Parklets Are Great, But Big Parks Pack a Big Punch

    Larger green spaces may be critical to a city, as they can support more complete ecosystems. In contrast to smaller "parklets," large parks paired with high-density neighborhoods allow for healthier cities.

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  • Denmark Might Be Winning The Global Race To Prevent Food Waste

    To decrease the nation's food waste, activists in Denmark showed the people that it was safe to buy and consume items that were very recently expired. From live demonstrations where celebrity chef features expired items in the entrees to reducing prices for out-of-date items, "Danes now throw away 25 percent less food than they did five years ago."

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