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  • In Nebraska, Bighorn Sheep Reclaim Their Former High Plains Home

    The bighorn sheep population in Nebraska has gone from eradicated to 320 and growing thanks to conservation efforts by scientists, conservationists, and the public. The sheep were reintroduced from populations in other states and are kept under close watch through processes like collaring and lambing.

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  • Flip Your Strip gaining traction, leading to removal of water-guzzling turf

    In order to use less water in drought-ridden Utah, many residents are replacing their grassy park strips with vegetation and rocks that don’t need as much irrigation. As part of the “Flip Your Strip” initiative, the Weber Basin Water Conservancy District provides participants with money per square foot of grass removed. While the program is new, this idea has been tried and tested in California, where studies have shown that it is making an impact.

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  • In the US West, Researchers Consider a Four-Legged Tool to Fight Two Foes: Wildfire and Cheatgrass

    Scientists are experimenting with a low-cost way of combatting an invasive species and wildfires. They’re using cattle to graze on cheatgrass, which has spread across the U.S. West, disrupted native plants and animals and become a source of fuel for fires. The cows were able to reduce the grass by an average of more than 60 percent, creating an area that could prevent fires from spreading.

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  • Could Human Pee Be the Key to Saving Seagrass?

    As ecologists look to protect failing seagrass ecosystems, they have turned to a surprising solution: crystallized human urine. In a lab study, seagrass treated with struvite — a crystalline substance formed from human wastewater — had five times more seagrass shoots than those treated with regular fertilizer. It’s difficult to get struvite commercially and it might not work in all types of environments, but if there is more of a supply, this part of human waste could help an important ecosystem.

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  • How Stony Brook University Scientists Gave Shinnecock Bay a New Life

    After planting clams in Shinnecock Bay in 2012, scientists at Stony Brook University were able to reverse the trends of red tide in the coastal New York waters. The bay restoration project resulted in 400,000 square meters of seagrass regrowth and the local clam population significantly grew.

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  • Saving the Great Lakes, one laundry load at a time

    A pilot experiment in Canada shows that adding a filter on a washing machine can prevent microfibers from entering the wastewater system and ending up in marine ecosystems. After installing these filters on machines in a community, there was a 41 percent decrease of microfibers in the washing machine liquid waste. This will not keep all microfibers from ending up in the environment, but legislators are working on passing bills requiring manufacturers to get these filters installed on new machines.

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  • Carbon credits versus the Big Gulp

    By planting cattails and tule reeds in a California Delta farmland, scientists hope to change the area into a marsh with peat that can store carbon dioxide. This would also support levees from failing and prevent salty ocean water from ruining crops and threatening drinking water. Managing this kind of landscape can be expensive, and farmers are not always on board with converting their land, but this pilot project has already doled out 52,000 tons of carbon credit making it the first wetland project in the United States to do so.

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  • Indigenous knowledge and science team up to triple a caribou herd

    A collaboration between two First Nations communities, scientists, private businesses, and the Canadian government are recovering caribou populations in British Columbia. Because of their work, they have been able to triple the number of caribou in their herd over the last decades. While their methods of protecting the animals are controversial, they’ve been able to protect more than 7,000 hectares of additional land for caribou habitat.

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  • Can Small Seaweed Farms Help Kelp Scale Up?

    Atlantic Sea Farms strives to create sustainable ocean livelihoods by growing seaweed, which is good for both people and the planet. It's nutritionally dense, provides an extra source of revenue for fishermen, and is environmentally low impact. Ongoing studies also indicate it might absorb carbon dioxide in the ocean and tamp down ocean acidification. In 2018, Atlantic Sea Farms was producing 30,000 wet pounds of seaweed a year but expects a harvest of 1.2 million pounds this year, making it the largest in the U.S.

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  • Heat wave caused bees to ejaculate to death. Could Styrofoam 'protection' help?

    As a warming planet continues to affect bee colonies, a bee farmer in Canada is experimenting with different ways to help the bees survive. By using a polystyrene cover, she was able to drop the average temperature in the hive by 3.8 degrees Celsius. While this type of insulation won’t be able to completely protect the colonies, it’s a simple solution that can help them get through extreme temperatures.

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