Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • RGGI, behind the rhetoric: What we know about the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

    A regional cap-and-trade program in the northeast United States has reduced carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and led to overall job gains in the economy. Up to 50 percent of the region’s CO2 reductions are attributable to the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative program and nine of the states participating report training more than 8,000 workers.

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  • ‘Every man was drinking': how much do bans on alcohol help women in India?

    The Bihar, India, state government banned drinking and selling alcohol in 2016 after women in the mostly rural state mounted protests blaming men's alcohol abuse for rampant violence against women. Hundreds of thousands of arrests, carrying severe penalties, resulted from the ban. Previous bans in Bihar and other states failed because of unpopularity and loopholes. This one has some evidence to suggest a 15% decline in drinking, but only a 4% decline in violence, while bootlegging and other crimes have increased. The prohibition protests have spread to other states.

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  • A shot of recycled water revives a flourishing ecosystem on the Santa Cruz River in Tucson

    By rewetting part of the Santa Cruz River in Tucson, the city has been able to revitalize an ecosystem that was once thought to be lost. Through collaboration and research, hundreds of species of creatures have returned to the river. This restoration project could serve as a model for other cities that want to help their desert rivers and sustain wildlife habitats.

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  • Fridge detectives

    In the first half of this episode, the producers discuss "Tradewaters," an organization that disposes of canisters inside refrigerators. These canisters hold potent greenhouse gases. One 30-pound canister can leak up to 131 tons of Co2, or a year's worth of driving for 54 cars. The organization disposes of thousands of canisters across Central America, Chile, South Africa, and India. The practice of disposing of these canisters saves between one to two percent of global Co2 emissions, according to estimates.

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  • Virginia project helps low-income homeowners ditch fossil fuels

    Two organizations partnered to help eight low-income households convert their homes to become all-electric in Virginia. It entailed replacing fossil-fuel based heating and cooling systems like stoves and water coolers with electric ones. Some of the households saw a reduction in their utility bills. Organizers estimate that over the course of 20 years the changes will result in the households avoiding the emission of over 2 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

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  • Model homes: Sixteen years on it's time to learn lessons from post-Katrina housing initiatives

    Various initiatives in New Orleans have created affordable housing in New Orleans specifically for musicians and artists as a way to both provide housing and revitalize neighborhoods after the widespread damage from Hurricane Katrina. “Artists are creative, they care about their neighborhood and other people follow. It's kind of a no-brainer.”

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  • How a handful of Iowa towns thrive, rise above rural decline

    A few small towns in Iowa have seen an increase in their populations despite the opposite trend across the state. An investigation by IowaWatch of 58 towns showed the services and amenities that were common in those towns: vibrant arts scene, health care, child care, infrastructure for reliable internet access as well as roads, strong schools, safety, and a sense of community, among other factors.

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  • The Car Crashes That Go Undetected

    The Vision Zero program many cities use to reduce traffic deaths depends on data to inform where to target safety measures like redesigned streets and speed limits. But, when significant numbers of crashes, particularly involving pedestrians and bicycles, go missing in the data, the interventions miss the problems. Racial disparities in unreported crashes or unresponsive police mean that the problems are compounded in under-served areas. Data improvements in D.C., San Francisco, and other cities aim to fill the gaps so that the benefits of Vision Zero can extend to places where they're needed most.

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  • Keeping People Out of Jail Keeps People Out of Jail

    When prosecutors in Boston and Baltimore stopped prosecuting certain non-violent, minor offenses, crime of all sorts, from minor to violent, went down. Getting prosecuted and jailed can in itself increase the probability that people will get in more trouble. When their mistakes are not compounded by an arrest record that limits their job and housing prospects, they are apt to stay out of trouble. The prosecutors and research found that simply excluding cases of non-violent, minor drug possession, disorderly conduct, shoplifting from the system does not encourage more crime; probably the opposite.

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  • Could miniature forests help air-condition cities?

    The Miyawaki method of planting miniature natural forests in cities as a way to reduce air pollution and cool down temperatures is gaining ground throughout the world. The process involves planting a variety of trees in a particular way that allows for them to grow rapidly. While this method is very labor intensive and can be difficult to scale, there are more than 1,500 of these types of forests in Japan, India, and Pakistan.

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