Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How Denmark is administering vaccines at three times the rate of Ireland

    Denmark public health workers have been able to distribute nearly their entire supply of the COVID-19 vaccine thanks in part to early preparation tactics and "a capable health system." Although the country had to procure special freezers and pay more by choosing to move forward with the first vaccine on the market, the success to administer the vaccinations to the public "far outstrips other EU countries."

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  • This Thai village created a tiny fish reserve years ago. Today, it's thriving. Audio icon

    By setting aside an area of the Ngao River to be off limits for fishing, several villages in Thailand have seen a revitalization of large barb and carp in their waters. Compared to non-protected stretches of the river, reserves saw more than twice the total number of fish, and catches outside of that protected area have also significantly increased. “These small, community-based reserves can be a really effective management strategy for sustaining their own resources and conserving fish,” says a researcher at the Global Water Center.

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  • 'We Don't Feel Forgotten At All': Alaska Fires Up COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

    Alaska has achieved one of the highest vaccination rates in the country due to prioritizing access to the vaccine for rural and Indigenous residents. Using a myriad of transportation efforts – including a fleet of chartered planes, a water taxi drove, and sleds pulled behind snow machines – clinicians have been able to deliver thousands of doses to these remote communities.

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  • How a 'total market approach' reduced maternal mortality in Cross River

    The Saving Mothers, Giving Life (SMGL) initiative in Cross River state is helping to address a gap in services that women had been facing during childbirth and reduce the state's and Nigeria's overall maternal mortality rates. The "total market approach" that this initiative used relied on training for birth attendants and better equipping health facilities. Since its launch, maternal health workers have reported a decrease in deaths and an increase in women willing to deliver at public hospitals in the region.

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  • The bold plan to save Africa's largest forest

    Under an innovative scheme in the Democratic Republic of Congo, indigenous communities are obtaining the legal right to own and manage the forests where they reside. This ownership has shown success in slowing deforestation of the Congo rainforest and creating new economic opportunities for residents in these villages. “Rather than just being an add-on, community forestry is now being considered as a mainstream model for forest management,” says a coordinator for the Rainforest Foundation UK.

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  • Soil: The Dirty Climate Solution

    More and more farmers are turning to regenerative agriculture techniques as a way to cut down on costs, increase crop yields, and sequester carbon into soil as a way to reverse the effects of climate change. One farming family in Minnesota switched to no tillage farming and also planted cover crops and used animals to fertilize their land. Some people question their methods, but these farmers saw their cost of production decrease and increased the amount of organic matter in their soil compared with their neighbors.

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  • These nursing homes kept Covid-19 out for 7 months. Here's what caregivers learned

    A handful of nursing homes in New York have been able to avoid an onslaught of COVID-19 cases by focusing on education and training of the staff and keeping their workforce stable and well-supplied. While these methods aren't silver bullets, the "culture of shared accountability and caring” has been crucial to the positive outcome thus far.

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  • Businesses Adapt Better to Covid-19 After Lessons Learned From Spring Surge

    As a second surge of the coronavirus pandemic spreads throughout much of the world, some manufacturers in the West have found ways to successfully avoid the economic fallout despite heightened restrictions. In one case, a manufacturing company "began requiring masks, banned employees from congregating during breaks and started checking their temperatures at the door," which initially decreased efficiency and productivity; but, as the employees continued to stay healthy, business returned, and the company is now "on track to meet its most ambitious forecast."

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  • COPD patients get hands-on care to avoid the hospital

    In Florida, a hospital's respiratory department decreased readmission rates for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) by emphasizing patient education and encouraging cross-sector collaboration between departments and resources. The change has also helped the hospital avoid financial constraints.

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  • Could Carbon Dioxide Be Turned Into Jet Fuel?

    Scientists at Oxford University have come up with a process that could turn carbon dioxide into jet fuel. The greenhouse gas, which is a major contributor to climate change, is constantly emitted by the aviation industry and this method would allow for that gas to be recycled into a liquid fuel for flights. Scaling the experiment has its challenges, but the process could result in net-zero emissions from airplanes.

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