Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Filling the lockdown learning gaps with pub quizzes

    Five recently-graduated doctors put together a virtual bar-trivia-style program called SOLViT to supplement med students' curriculum during their final year, when they should be receiving in-hospital training, but can't because of the pandemic. The 90-minute sessions cover 29 topics in the students' syllabus like maternal infections and bladder cancer, is formatted to quiz the students in a true/false format, and draws from pop culture references to reinforce learning.

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  • How New Zealand went 100 days with no community coronavirus transmission

    New Zealand went 100 days without a single new case of Covid-19 after implementing strict restrictions which included "no takeaways, no beaches, and no driving outside of your neighborhood." Because of the government's quick action, the county remained in lockdown for only seven weeks. The government is now keeping focus on elimination rather than eradication as it is expected that the virus could resurface.

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  • In New Zealand, Life Was Ordinary Again With No Virus Spread, But It Didn't Last

    New Zealand has been able to nearly eradicate Covid-19 due to rapid intervention strategies taken by the government that were predicated on quickly identifying clusters of cases and implementing rigorous contact tracing. Although the country went 101 days without a single case reported, a few cases have once again surfaced. However, because residents had already been using a contact tracing smartphone app and were "encouraged to add masks to their emergency kits," many were prepared for the onset of any new cases.

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  • Arizona was a Covid-19 hot spot a month ago. Here's how it's turning things around

    In May, Arizona began removing coronavirus restrictions after seemingly containing the spread of the virus, but by June, the state's caseload was in a drastic incline. Learning from the mistake of reopening too soon, officials paused the reopening and reimposed measures such as mask wearing and business closures. Since then, the caseload has decreased significantly and earned praise from White House officials.

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  • Dartmouth Is the Blueprint for NFL Success in 2020. Yes, Dartmouth.

    Dartmouth College's football team reduced injuries and began winning more games after the coaching staff implemented non-contact tactics into practices, such as using robotic tackling dummies in place of the players themselves. The practice was already gaining recognition from other schools, but amid the coronavirus, the NFL is now trying out similar protocols too.

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  • A crowdsourcing approach to homework help

    An ed-tech researcher continues to investigate the success of a study that looked into the effectiveness of "crowdsourcing homework tips." In the study, the homework tips were pre-written by teachers for students to access during homework time, and the results of the study saw that students who used the tips were 58% likelier to solve the next problem with no help.

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  • How a packed slum in Mumbai beat back the coronavirus, as India's cases continue to soar

    The population of Dharavi, a slum in Mumbai, made the region a hotspot for coronavirus transmission, but local officials' aggressive action plan – which included testing, contact tracing, quarantine, and increased sanitation efforts – helped quell the spread of the virus. Although the process was challenging for local doctors and the shutdown of normal day-to-day routines had a negative impact on the region's economy, Dharavi has already been able to begin the process of reopening.

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  • Virus hunters: Contact tracing slows spread through painstaking investigation

    Contact tracing has helped identify hundreds potential cases of Covid-19 in Teton County, Wyoming. Conducted by the county's health department, the process works much like it does for other communicable diseases, such as measles. According to the data collected from the efforts, 60% of those who have been contacted as being in contact with the coronavirus have tested positive for the virus themselves.

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  • The Warsaw Ghetto beat an epidemic. Scientists say they know how.

    In 1941 it was predicted that the Warsaw Ghetto would be overwhelmed with typhus cases due to the overcrowding of inmates, but instead this "oppressed community" established a series of health measures that largely kept the caseload much lower than expected. Although the community was arguably more behaviorally motivated to implement strict and aggressive measures due to the conditions they were living under, the case study indicates that "sheltering in place, promoting and enforcing hygiene, and practicing social distancing," does matter when containing a pandemic.

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  • In Baltimore, a struggling, black-owned nursing home keeps covid-19 at bay

    Baltimore has reported approximately 10,000 cases of Covid-19, but the local Maryland Baptist Aged Home hasn't had a single senior resident infected due "a relatively small population of 29 residents, a strong history of infection control, a dedicated staff and...the cynicism that comes with residing in an underserved community." Leadership at the nursing home acted before local government officials did, implementing a strict lockdown and widespread testing protocols while also relying on measures already in place such as thorough infection-reducing cleaning regimens.

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