Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Grupo liberal busca atraer a votantes latinos con $57 millones en ocho estados

    Ahora aprovechando su éxito en elecciones pasados, Somos Votantes y su comité de acción política trabajan para ampliar la educación y la participación de los votantes hispanos principalmente a través de visitas puerta a puerta, información bilingüe pagada, y una “sólida” organización comunitaria.

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  • Carmakers give up on software that avoids kangaroos

    Fence posts that flash blue and yellow lights while emitting a high-pitched noise when they detect oncoming car headlights are preventing car crashes involving kangaroos and wallabies in Australia. The practice is known as virtual fencing.

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  • Managing predators from the sky

    Researchers and livestock farmers in Montana are using drones with speakers that play human voices to scare off predators and mitigate conflict between the animals.

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  • Ratas en el paraíso

    Conservationists are eradicating an invasive species of rat on the Galapagos Islands to protect native species, many of which are endangered, and local agriculture. To do so, they capture native species that could be harmed, then scatter rat poison around the islands by hand, drone, and helicopter.

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  • Poopspotting: How AI and satellites can detect illegal manure spreading in Wisconsin

    An artificial intelligence model developed by researchers at Standford University analyzes aerial photographs to detect fields with manure illegally spread on them in the winter. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources can use that information to manually check fields for compliance with regulations that are meant to prevent water contamination.

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  • Underground seed banks hold promise for ecological restoration

    Indigenous peoples across the western United States are bringing back native plants that disappeared many years ago by practicing natural regeneration. By slowly bringing ecosystems that were disrupted by human activity back to their natural state over time, the seeds and roots preserved underground are given the chance to flourish.

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  • Rewilding in Argentina helps giant anteaters return to south Brazil

    A rewilding project at Iberá National Park in Argentina is reintroducing giant anteaters where they were previously considered extinct by bringing orphaned pups onto wild, protected land and allowing them to roam freely.

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  • A drying sea half a world away carries a message for those worried about the Great Salt Lake

    At the steadily shrinking Aral Sea and the Great Salt Lake, officials have stemmed some of the water, salinity, and biodiversity losses by sectioning off healthier sections of the bodies of water with a dam and a causeway.

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  • Philly residents patrolled Kensington for 36 nights this fall. Now they want the city to back the model.

    Residents of Philadelphia created a neighborhood watch and patrolled streets where violent crime is common between 10 p.m. and 4 a.m. The initiative, Operation Hug the Block, aims to reduce gun violence and other crimes by keeping people with strong community ties present on the streets.

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  • Bird-friendly maple syrup boosts Vermont forest diversity & resilience

    Several organizations in Vermont banded together to create the Bird-Friendly Maple Project. The program encourages maple syrup makers to safeguard their forest habitats for birds using agroecology practices like keeping a diverse variety of native trees. Operations that meet the requirements receive an official label for their products.

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