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  • Some Countries Are Squashing the Coronavirus Curve. Vietnam Is One.

    Vietnam implemented rigid protocols around contact tracing and quarantine methodologies in order to contain the coronavirus outbreak, and so far, it has paid off with no deaths and a manageable caseload. Although a large population of citizens are still in government quarantine facilities, signs of reopening parts of the economy are underway and the overall response to the pandemic may help gain credibility from "global manufacturers looking to diversify out of China."

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  • Seattle's Leaders Let Scientists Take the Lead. New York's Did Not

    In responding to the coronavirus outbreak, Washington State stands in direct contrast to New York in how local governments responded. While New York relied on direction from politicians, Washington State looked to public health experts to lead briefings and directions – a response that is now emerging as a successful model for building trust with state residents, and inspiring action rather than skepticism.

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  • Vanquish the Virus? Australia and New Zealand Aim to Show the Way

    With the goal of containing the spread of Covid-19, the national governments in Australia and New Zealand took an approach that was predicated on letting public health experts take the lead. Although this approach – which led to early and aggressive restrictions of movement – was not met favorably by all at first, it has proved successful so far, leading both countries to reset the goal to eliminating the virus rather than just containing it.

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  • Why South Korea's coronavirus death toll is comparatively low

    South Korea took early and aggressive measures to mitigate the coronavirus pandemic, and the country has now been able to successfully declare that they've flattened the curve of reported cases. The combined strategy of widespread testing, contact tracing, government transparency, community willingness to self-isolate, and an economy already built for the delivery of goods, helped the country avoid a national lockdown all while still containing the virus.

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  • Portugal's answer to the heroin crisis Audio icon

    When faced with an opioid crisis, the government in Portugual made a drastic decision to decriminalize drug use. This shift in policy allowed for a shift in perspective – addiction problems could now be treated as a public health issue, rather than a criminal issue. This approach resulted in a significant decrease in overdoses, and is now a model that U.S. cities, such as Philadelphia, are looking at to learn from.

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  • The Inside Story Of How The Bay Area Got Ahead Of The COVID-19 Crisis

    An alliance born out of the AIDS epidemic, now known as the Association of Bay Area Health Officials, has been a key factor in the effort to contain Covid-19 in Northern California. Proactive planning and unified messaging helped the "close-knit relationship among the 13 health officers" react quickly and aggressively once the pandemic became a reality in the region. Compared to other regions, the hospitals in this region have yet to experience an influx of patients.

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  • California lessons from the 1918 pandemic: San Francisco dithered; Los Angeles acted and saved lives

    Two of California’s major cities – Los Angeles and San Francisco – are learning from their history with the Spanish Influenza during the COVID-19 pandemic. The two cities had different approaches, with San Francisco strongly requiring masks, shutting down later, and opening up earlier and Los Angeles shutting down almost immediately and waiting an extra month to open up. Over one hundred years later, leaders are looking back to learn from mistakes to save lives.

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  • In Denmark, the Rarest of Sights: Classrooms Full of Students

    As the world progresses through the pandemic, many countries are trying to best address the tough question of when to open back up and how. In Logumkloster, Denmark, which had no known cases of COVID-19, the village's elementary school welcomed back close to 350 students to its physical building with extensive safety and cleaning protocols in place to protect students and teachers. From an economic standpoint, the decision stands to benefit parents working from home, but some worry about the potential health implications—and it may be too soon to tell what those will be.

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  • As governments fumbled their coronavirus response, these four got it right. Here's how.

    As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, we’re also learning lessons from one another. For instance, Taiwan’s ability to have a designated Central Epidemic Command Center helped to coordinate a comprehensive response and keep their numbers low, and Iceland immediately partnered with a private company to scale their testing design. Germany built out their hospital capacity, which can now handle 10x what it needs, and South Korea developed over 500 testing stations around the country.

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  • South Africa flattens its coronavirus curve—and considers how to ease restrictions

    Like countries around the world, South Africa imposed strict social distancing measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. After a few weeks, they’re seeing that slowdown happening and using it to build in additional safety measures, like screening for additional testing, building field hospitals, and sending community health care workers into smaller villages and towns.

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