Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Lockdown of Recovering Italian Town Shows Effectiveness of Early Action

    Despite the devastation Italy has seen from the coronavirus pandemic, the town of Codogno has been able to largely avoid the same fate. Crediting immediate "drastic containment measures," that went into effect after the initial cases were reported and included adherence to social distancing and other social restrictions, the city has been able to flatten the curve of cases and lift some restrictions.

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  • ‘It became part of life': how Haiti curbed cholera

    Haiti has gone an entire year without any new reported cases of cholera, which is a significant accomplishment for the country that once faced 800,000 cases of the infectious disease. Although it's too soon to declare the country cholera-free, Haiti's success thus far is largely due to collective efforts to increase education and implement preventative measures such as pop-up clinics and rapid response teams.

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  • Confronting a Pandemic

    The United States and Italy have been playing catch up in the mitigation of the coronavirus pandemic and were resistant to implementing social distancing, while other countries took more aggressive approaches. Now both countries are looking to China and South Korea to learn how sweeping actions and industrialized scaling of measures such as fever clinics, temperature check points, portable CAT scanning, and social isolation, have helped to contain the pandemic.

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  • Singapore Wins Praise For Its COVID-19 Strategy. The U.S. Does Not

    As countries respond in different ways to the COVID19 pandemic, those with systematic government approaches have proven to be strongest thus far. Places like Hong Kong and Singapore created immediate systems for testing and quarantining, putting quick pressure on stopping the spread of the novel coronavirus. On the opposite end, places like Iran and the United States have fared worse because of a lack of immediate response and capacity for testing.

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  • 'Flattening the curve' may be the world's best bet to slow the coronavirus

    As countries scramble to figure out how to stop the coronavirus outbreak, China is an example of how unprecedented measures to self-quarantine and self-distancing measures can work to slow transmission rates. Commonly refered to as "flattening the curve," this practice allows for the health-care system to avoid being overwhelmed with cases, which in turn means more people can be treated.

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  • Virus Testing Blitz Appears to Keep Korea Death Rate Low

    Despite avoiding mass bans on citizen movement, South Korea has managed to mitigate the number of reported cases for coronavirus after implementing broad testing protocols. Having learned what didn't work during a previous outbreak of a respitaroy illness, the country "created a system to allow rapid approval of testing kits for viruses which have the potential to cause pandemics."

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  • Singapore contained Coronavirus. Could other countries learn from its approach?

    Singapore has seemingly been able to contain the coronavirus outbreak by relying on quick actions taken by the government and lessons learned from both the SARS and H1N1 outbreaks that impacted the region years ago. With "ready-made government quarantine facilities and a 330-bed, state-of-the-art national center for managing infectious diseases," the region has yet to see a death from this novel coronavirus despite 96 people identified as infected.

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  • A parent's place? Meet the women fighting for space at SA's rural hospitals

    In the rural Eastern Cape of South Africa, a hospital has transformed their model of care for children with cerebral palsy to better serve the entire family. Offering weeklong stays, the hospital offers physical therapy for the children and emotional and educational support to the mothers of the children. Although this kind of care comes at a financial cost for the hospital, the results have indicated positive outcomes for both the child and moms. Additionally, the hospital staff has also trained the moms to act as community workers, helping to better increase awareness and access to services.

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  • City watchdog says Chicago's arrest diversion program for youth can't be evaluated due to poor record keeping and lack of collaboration

    Over the past 14 years, the city of Chicago has been running a Juvenile Intervention and Support Center (JISC) to help divert youth away from the criminal justice system. The goal of the program, which took a $5 million investment, was to connect them with social services, favoring rehabilitation over punitive measures. But because of record destruction, lack of record keeping, and an inability by the police and Department of Family and Support Services to collaborate, a recent audit has proved unable to determine the success of the JISC.

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  • How medication donation programs could be a game-changer in PA

    Unused prescription drugs can often end up in landfills or in "the hands of those who may be vulnerable to misuse and addiction," so Wyoming has introduced a program to decrease those likelihoods from happening. This program, like that of other programs in 38 other states, collects unused medications and redistributes them to uninsured residents.

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