Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Life-saving surgery but not by a doctor

    In Ethiopia, emergency surgical officers are helping to provide surgical care such as Cesarean sections, that is typically performed by surgeons. Although these health-care providers do not have the full training of surgeons, they have shown comparable success rates and played a significant role in reducing the rate of childbirth deaths.

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  • Why some experts are trying to redefine suicide

    There is a movement amongst clinicians and researchers involved in suicide prevention to reclassify suicide as a "condition in its own right" in order to better teach and treat symptoms. In some places, such as Detroit's Henry Ford Health System, it is already classified as a specific mental health category which played a part in an 80 percent decrease in patience suicide rates.

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  • The gun solution we're not talking about

    While most Americans and politicians from across the partisan aisle support universal background checks for firearm purchases, that system has shown to not be as effective as many think. Instead, states are implementing licensing systems that require individuals wanting to buy a gun to take safety courses, apply with local law enforcement, provide references, and have their background checked. States that have such systems in place have seen a steady decline in gun homicides and suicides.

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  • This Man Says His Anti-violence Plan Would Save 12,000 Lives

    With support for a New York-based grant program, Buffalo has been trying various evidence-based approaches to decrease violence, especially gun violence, in the city. The grant program, Gun Involved Violence Elimination, or GIVE, provides funding for police departments to adopt strategies like hot-spot policing, deterring those most at-risk, or street outreach to break the cycle of violence. While such strategies are linked to success, the process of implementing them, gaining support and trust from the community, and waiting for long-term change has proven challenging.

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  • The psychiatrist helping mentally ill people left to wander India's streets

    In India, many people suffering from undiagnosed mental illnesses end up wandering on the streets, but a Mumbai psychiatrist is addressing the problem by treating their illnesses and reuniting them with their families. The psychiatrist, who started a foundation with his wife to tackle this issue, houses and treats the patients at a residential treatment centre, and then the foundation's social workers reunite them with their loved ones.

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  • How New York and Milwaukee approach juvenile justice

    New York’s Close to Home legislation approaches the juvenile justice system through the lens of rehabilitation, moving those in up-state juvenile facilities to local, sometimes residential housing that emphasizes family and community. The approach has led to a 71% decrease in the number of youth placed in these facilities and a drastic increase in academic performance. Halfway across the country, as Wisconsin closes two of its upstate juvenile facilities, Milwaukee legislators are seeking to implement similar, community-centered programming.

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  • The practice problem: Concussion issue reaches beyond game action

    To reduce risk of concussions in high school football, high school coaches in Oregon are reducing the amount of impact time allowed during practices. Using the parameters established via the USA Football five levels of contact, high school coaches keep their players under 90 minutes of contact per week and instead work to "create higher-level intensity contact, without hitting each other, that is safe for the athlete."

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  • Interventions to Prevent Psychosis

    The Portland Identification and Early Referral (PIER) program serves to train health officials how to identify early signs of mental illness in young adults, and it's working. The program, which saw a "35 percent decline in new hospital admissions for psychotic symptoms" is now being implemented throughout the country and the principles are being taught to families, friends, physicians and college personnel.

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  • Building a better helmet

    In an effort to create more effective helmets, developers and consumers have come up against both cost and technological concerns. Building helmets that protect against concussions is challenging, and those that have been promising come with the additional concern of working so well that players aren’t able to recognize when they’ve been hit too hard. Furthermore, safer helmets cost more – as much as $200 per helmet – making it hard to afford for schools with limited budgets.

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  • Do plastic bag taxes or bans curb waste? 400 cities and states tried it out.

    Across the world, countries are reckoning with its astounding single-use plastic bag waste by instituting legislation that taxes or all-out bans them. Research has shown that taxing the bags has been a more effective strategy with less unintended consequences, as banning often leads to a sharp increase in thicker plastics or paper bags. In places that have instituted the tax, they’ve seen a 40 percent decrease in usage, and arguably more importantly, a cultural shift away from single-use plastics.

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