Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How stricter vaccine laws spared California from a major measles outbreak

    The only way to eliminate a communicable disease, such as measles, is to achieve herd immunity, but due to recent anti-vaccination campaigns, the vaccination rate fell so low that the measles resurfaced in the U.S. To combat the contagion from getting worse, California enacted laws that prohibited people from choosing not to be vaccinated.

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  • The traffic solution most cities haven't tried

    Cities across the world have implemented “congestion pricing” – meaning that cars in high-traffic areas will have to pay a fee to drive within those limits. New York City is one of the most recent cities to potentially implement this approach in its attempt to reduce congestion and encourage walking, biking, and public transportation.

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  • The case for carbon farming in California

    California has been leading the way in what is becoming an increasingly popular response to climate change: carbon farming. The practice reabsorbs carbon that’s in the air, into the soil, and can be achieved through methods like composting, no-till agriculture, or cover crops. While a promising practice, cost-related concerns and the sustainability and longevity of the response remain in question.

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  • State of decay: How Maine's dentists get help to practice in underserved areas

    Rural areas of Maine were being underserved when it came to dental hygiene, so the state opened a dental college and a loan repayment program in order to increase the amount of industry professionals. Since opening, the amount of dentists serving these areas has increased and now the university is looking to scale even further by increasing the amount offered in the loan repayment program.

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  • House Calls Can Lead to Dramatically Better Health Outcomes Among the Elderly

    House calls are not new to the medicine field, but they are becoming more predominant as doctors look for ways to expand access to those that aren't able to make it into an office. Focusing mostly on "disabled, chronically ill, elderly, and other at-risk populations," doctors are utilizing technological advancements to bring the care to the patient, a practice that also allows them a chance to assess their home situation.

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  • How scientists are giving Fraser River salmon a fresh chance

    A group of scientists have discovered a way to help chinook salmon survive at the mouth of the Fraser River, in the Sturgeon Bank. They’ve devised a trap of special netting that catch and funnell these salmon, many of whom have not yet grown to full size, into the Bank, rather than being sent out to the Strait of Georgia. The project, funded by Canada’s coastal restoration fund, will likely have other impacts as well, like providing more salmon for the endangered killer whale to feed on, and trapping sediment that could protect Richmond from sea-level rise.

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  • Some states reuse tons of unused prescription drugs; Maine burns them

    Every year, unused medications are thrown away costing states millions of dollars. A program in Iowa that has now spread to other states throughout the nation is tackling this issue by recycling and repurposing these drugs so that they can be distributed to populations that wouldn't otherwise be able to access them.

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  • Beyond test scores: Colorado experiments create alternatives for rating schools

    For the past four years, several rural Colorado school districts have experimented with alternative forms of evaluation that don't rely solely on the results of educational testing. Now, a proposed bill, with wide support, would provide financial and logistical support to these pilots.

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  • Virtual Reality as Therapy for Pain

    Virtual reality isn't just for gaming anymore. Known as Virtual Reality Therapy, this new use for the technology is bringing relief to those suffering from intense pain by immersing "the patient in an entertaining, relaxing, interactive environment that so occupies the brain, it has no room to process pain sensations at the same time."

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  • Behavioural science and nudges could make kids better readers

    Enrolling parents in simple, scalable ways can improve early child learning outcomes. Building on a model used in the US state of California, firms in the UK are developing an SMS-based curriculum geared toward parents of children entering kindergarten. The method involves sending parents text messages that explain short, easy tasks that both instruct and motivate children, encouraging positive cognitive and behavioral development.

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