Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Interruption: A fix for Flint's gun violence

    Across the country, mental health professionals, city officials, and community leaders have been developing grassroots responses to curb gun violence. From mediation to education, a driving factor behind these efforts has been prevention. As Flint, Michigan witnesses a striking increase in violent crime, they look to these responses as possible interventions for their own community.

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  • Climate Change Is Bad For Peru's Pastures ... But There's A 1,200-Year-Old Fix

    Not all solutions have to be new in order to work, some just have to be modernized for today's needs. This was the lesson learned when villagers in Peru decided to restore centuries-old hydraulic systems to revitalize their depleting wetlands.

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  • Bright Spot for N.Y.'s Struggling Schools: Pre-K

    Bill De Blasio's citywide preschool program recently got its first grade since launching in 2014 - 94 percent of the city’s pre-K programs "met or exceeded a threshold that predicts positive student outcomes after pre-K." Now, the district must figure out how to ensure these gains are maintained into kindergarten.

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  • Chicago murder rate drops for second year in a row

    Data-driven policing, higher rates of gun seizures, increased hiring and a focus on improving community trust have positively impacted Chicago police. For second year in a row, the city saw a drop in murder rates, shootings, robberies, burglaries and carjackings.

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  • What Happened After Two Decades of Affordable Child Care in Quebec

    In Quebec, a subsidized affordable child care program has proven itself over two decades, contributing to a spike in the employment of mothers with young children. Research also shows that program is financially sustainable, but there is a disparity in quality between child care centers - an issue that is also prevalent in other places that have adopted the model.

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  • How a Tech Geek Is Using Machine Learning to Hold Human Rights Abusers Accountable

    Patrick Ball, cofounder of the nonprofit Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG), has helped use quantitative data to put numbers behind things that were before unprovable — i.e. the difference between genocide and random violence. Ball and HRDAG have analyzed existing data to come up with the "invisible" data, overlaying several sets of statistics with machine learning to come up with stats like the fact that you were eight times more likely to be killed by the army in the Ixil region in the early 1980s if you were indigenous. Ball also advises nine truth commissions, four UN commissions, and more.

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  • KC court cuts down on repeat domestic violence offenders

    Kansas City Municipal Court deals with over 40,000 cases of domestic violence per year, but the implementation of a compliance docket aims to reduce how many of those offenders come back to court. By forming a relationship with the people on the docket and leveraging accountability as well as requiring a series of classes, the court has been able to successfully decrease the number of reoffenders.

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  • Ending violence in Pakistan starts in the playground

    Using play-based learning and positive communication lessons, an organization called Right to Play helps school children in Pakistan act less violently toward their peers. The program, which is now replicated in 18 countries around the world, aims to reduce gender-based violence and stereotyping in the classroom.

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  • How One County Became a Lab for California's Prison Reform

    After San Joaquin County adopted a slew of criminal justice reforms, crime dropped by 20 percent, the lowest number in a decade. One of the things that was implemented were speciality courts aimed at decreasing arrest time and helping “former prisoners find jobs, housing and treatment for mental health and addiction problems.” Other measures include ending cash bail and racial bias training. “Crime has always been issue No. 1, but the narrative in this city is one about being a second chance city.”

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  • Despite high poverty, why fewer people live on Philly's streets than in other big cities

    Several factors contribute to the successful strategy that keeps people off the streets in Philadelphia, where the poverty rate is the highest among the 10 biggest cities in the country. Having multiple services within comprehensive outreach teams is a critical component as is their caring approach to those who need help. Housing services, both temporary and permanent are also vital. Permanent housing is offered with "wrap-around services" which enable people to stay housed. These include physical and mental help in addition to assistance with obtaining a GED, a license and more.

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