Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • Medicare's cost surprise: It's going down

    Despite reports of projected increased spending on Medicare and Medicaid, Medicare spending per-person has actually decreased in recent years, a change that has been attributed to a web of factors like value-centered care and better coordination for complex patients. However, although positive results have been found, researchers caution that is is hard to ascertain the exact cause and replicate it flawlessly.

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  • Is Cash Better for Poor People Than Conventional Foreign Aid?

    Direct cash transfers to poor people in developing countries is a newer way to spend foreign aid dollars. GiveDirectly is the prominent charity who pioneered this method of giving cash as a form of aid, with the rationale that poor people are better equipped to decide where a dollar should go than an outside organization. A study sponsored by the United States Agency for International Development aims to compare the effectiveness of cash transfers and traditional nonprofit programs. The results may shape the future of aid in America and around the globe.

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  • Recyclers, The Final Link in the Long Nosara Trash Crisis

    Nosara, a district in the Costa Rican region of Nicoya Peninsula, is being overcome with trash after the Nicoya City Hall closed the local dump. Because local officials have been slow to act, citizens have had to take matters into their own hands that includes creating their own recycling company.

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  • Harvard Is Vaulting Workers Into the Middle Class With High Pay. Can Anyone Else Follow Its Lead?

    Spurred by student activism and a research study on outsourcing, Harvard University implemented a parity policy in 2002. This means all university workers, regardless of whether the university or an outside contractor pays them, receive full benefits and higher pay. For an institution like Harvard that can afford to pay workers substantially more, there is greater employee satisfaction. However, researchers are still exploring if higher wages for some mean lower wages for others or fewer employees hired in the future.

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  • Jolted

    When it’s discovered that someone is planning a mass shooting, what are the possible responses? Can those individuals be prosecuted? How do states balance personal liberty and public safety? These are all questions that residents of Fair Haven, Vermont had to grapple with when plans of a school shooting were found. From better threat assessments, to gun control legislation, to considering teen’s experiences in today’s world, the issues and corresponding responses prove challenging reconcile.

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  • Youth Need Community-Based Treatment, Not Jails

    The number of youth confined in U.S. detention facilities has dropped by nearly half since 1997, saving money and reducing recidivism. A report by the Justice Policy Institute says this has made communities safer, but that reductions are only among those accused of nonviolent crimes and that racial and ethnic disparities have increased. The report calls for changes, such as repealing state laws on mandatory sentences, offering better probation supervision and creating more diversion options.

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  • Can New Zealand Provide the U.S. With a Model for Juvenile Justice Reform?

    New Zealand introduced restorative justice practices for juveniles in their criminal justice system after incredibly high rates of child incarceration and an over-representation of minorities. The practice, in places since the late 80's, includes youth justice councils and limits police arrests. The "overall number of youth arrested, charged, and incarcerated" has fallen, but there is still disproportionate representation of minority groups in the system.

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  • The region's toughest red-light camera busted drivers 24,000 times last year

    A small town near Seattle installed red light cameras in 2016 and officials immediately founder higher numbers of traffic violations than predicted, especially at one intersection, which accounted for most of the tickets issued to drivers. The technology is very controversial among drivers, but national studies have demonstrated the cameras reduce fatal crashes. In Des Moines, the number of tickets issued spike, but then began decreasing, indicating a change in driver behavior.

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  • A little-known program has lifted 9th grade performance in virtually every type of school

    The Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) program sticks to a simple motto: “Same Students. Same Teachers. Better Results." With this low-key saying, BARR has transformed the performance of students at a wide range of schools - from low-income, low-performing schools to affluent institutions. The key to its success? To start, teachers gather periodically to share notes, concerns and plans about each individual ninth grader.

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  • New Jersey Bails Out

    Although California has become the first state to eliminate the cash bail system, New Jersey has been using an algorithm for the last 18 months to combat the economic injustice created by the system. This bail reform, which looks at risk assessment on a scaled level, has successfully resulted to less people in prison as well as decreased crime rates.

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