Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How a Scrappy California Crime Lab Learned to Crack More Gun Cases

    The Contra Costa Police Department crime lab has accelerated processing ballistics evidence through a national database that works like fingerprints for guns. The result has been connecting gun violence incidents more quickly and getting dangerous offenders off the streets. The lab’s director was able to do this without extra funding or staff by implementing new protocols and cross-training staff.

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  • The Bay Area's Regional Funding Stream for Ecological Restoration

    The San Francisco Bay area is home to a number of crucial wetlands and streams that are quickly being impacted by climate change. For nearly two decades, however, elementary teachers and their students have been playing a part in repairing the damage and revitalizing the areas through restoration and revegetation projects.

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  • How one Canadian food court eliminated 117 bags of garbage a day

    A food court in Toronto was generating 120 bags of trash per day due to serving their fast food varietals in non-recyclable containers. After changing the way they serve food and how they market the feasibility of recycling and composting to food court customers, they have seen their garbage output reduced to only three bags per day.

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  • Want to end sexual violence? Feminist self-defence is the only proven solution

    A strategy of self-defense advanced by feminists in the 1960s and 1970s shows much more efficacy in preventing sexual assaults than more recent programs aimed at perpetrators. Empowerment Self-Defence teaches an array of skills that include assertiveness and de-escalation, in addition to physical resistance and fighting. Three evaluations in the U.S., Canada and Kenya show it can decrease sexual assault, but it remains highly controversial.

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  • Solar-Powered Pineapples: A Lifeline for Women Thrown Off Their Land

    When a national park was created in Kenya, the local Waata hunter-gatherer community was displaced and forced to take refuge elsewhere while also adapting to a farming lifestyle. Choosing to cultivate pineapples because of their rapid growth rate, the women leading the farming practices initially struggled to be meaningfully compensated for their produce. After learning how about solar drying, however, the women saw a quick and lasting increase in their profits.

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  • Sending Letters About Their Patients' Overdoses Changes Doctors' Prescribing Habits

    San Diego area physicians are now receiving a letter if one of their patients dies of an opioid overdose. The goal of this new project is to remind doctors of the impact of their actions and lower opioid prescribing rates.

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  • Off the African Coast, a Struggle to Revive a Battered Fishery

    The island of Mauritius off the coast of Africa was once a prime destination for fishing and healthy coral reefs. However, the region deteriorated due to issues plaguing many coastal communities such as overfishing and population growth. To turn things around, marine protected areas and stricter regulations were implemented and are slowly proving to have a positive impact.

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  • What are coastal nuclear power plants doing to address climate threats?

    The World Nuclear Association counts 50 nuclear power plants being built, with 150 more in the planning stages. After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011, nuclear plants on coasts began to be built with contingencies that account for sea-level rise. But new studies suggest that many such plans rely on outdated climate change projections.

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  • Despite spike in shootings, a Chicago community gets a handle on violence

    Chicago has seen a decline in violence, and one neighborhood in particular has led the way, nearly halving its shootings and homicides. Police in Englewood have changed how they work with the community and where they send officers, focusing on the places and people experiencing the most violence, informed by data and surveillance systems. Community organizations are also providing job training, services and counseling to those most likely to be caught up in the violence.

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  • How a New Generation Is Saving Zambia's Lions

    Poachers are causing the population of lions in Zambia to decline at rapid rate. Conservationists working with the Zambian Carnivore Program are not only actively tracking the lions, but also teaching students about the importance of the species and how to contribute to the research in order to inspire the next generation to continue protecting wildlife.

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