Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • In North Carolina, Hog Waste Is Becoming A Streamlined Fuel Source

    Swine biogas are making an appearance across North Carolina, a state with more hogs than any other state in the U.S. Turning methane from hog waste into electricity has allowed the state to earn valuable carbon offset credits as they work towards brining emissions to zero.

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  • AI tool helps law enforcement find victims of human trafficking

    When Emily Kennedy was a teenager traveling in Eastern Europe she saw street kids she learned were trafficked by the Russian mob and decided to tackle human trafficking in her college work. The company she launched, Marinus Analytics, created a software application that has been used by authorities to rescue hundreds of victims in the U.S. and Canada and is expanding. The data it gathers has also debunked assumptions about how and where trafficking takes place.

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  • Do wage theft laws in Ohio harm or help workers?

    Laws against wage theft can be effective if enforced. The probability of violations decreased in Ohio during a 13-month period of full enforcement, but rose again after the enforcement policy changed.

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  • Reach Up: how a Jamaican early childhood intervention swept the world

    Play encourages early childhood development. Reach Up sends doctors and nurses to show mothers in poverty, who are often overburdened in trying to lessen other disadvantages for their children, how to play with their children. The success of this Reach Up has led many countries to scale the program, bringing its own unique challenges.

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  • Organizations Tackle Invasive Tree Species in Animas Basin near Durango

    As the name implies, Russian olive trees are not native to the United States, but have taken over many regions due to their ability to outgrow and outcompete native plant species. Organizations are working together in Durango, Colorado to fight back against this invasive plant species, however.

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  • Innovative Greenhouses Help Farmers Adapt to Climate Change

    In India, 15 farmers are piloting a program that utilizes greenhouses to grow crops that would otherwise perish in the unpredictable climate. The income generated from this capability is allowing families to pay for their children's education. In addition, women are being given opportunities to play a part in the agricultural success through training and networking.

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  • How One Country Is Restoring Its Damaged Ocean

    Belize, cited by Darwin as home to “the most remarkable reef in the West Indies," recently became the first country to issue a moratorium on all offshore oil exploration and drilling in order to protect the reef and the species that rely on it.

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  • Poachers vs. Poop

    After 15 years of collecting dung and DNA from elephants, conservation biologist Samuel Wasser and his team were able to create a map documenting nearly all of the African elephant populations. With this in place, the information can be used to help law enforcement identify poaching hotspots and arrest ivory traffickers. Now this same process is being applied to other endangered species.

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  • Years of eavesdropping on insect sex talk is starting to pay off for grape growers

    Leafhoppers may sound like a harmless term to the untrained ear, but vineyard owners will quickly disagree. These insects have a history of invading and devastating vineyards across the U.S. and Europe. Entomologists may have uncovered a solution however, via studying how the leafhoppers mate. By replicating their vibrational mating calls, so to speak, they are able to hinder the species ability to mate, thus slowing down their reproduction rates.

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  • Taking Aim at Gun Violence, With Personal Deterrence

    To decrease the amount of gun-related fatalities, cities are focusing on joint efforts with their communities and police departments to target those most at risk for shooting or being shot on the streets. Known nationally as Ceasefire, this initiative aims to identify the individuals from this selected target group - and open a dialogue about their options and the consequences of gun-related retaliation. Nationally, the program has had some trouble sustaining when the cities rely too much on the police department, but when it works, shooting have decreased dramatically.

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