Artwork stating 'Education Destroys Barriers', 'We Demand Treatment', and 'I Need A Chance'

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  • How snow has become a tool in urban planning

    An increasing number of cities are looking to redesign roadways, sidewalks, and intersections based on the way spaces are needed after snow storms. Snow piles left after snowplows carve paths for vehicles are basically unused pavement that could be repurposed for things like wider sidewalks, green spaces, and bike paths. Philadelphia officials have redone an intersection after viewing photos by residents and advocates showing unused portions of pavement.

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  • Issuing Bonds to Invest in People

    In cases where funding is short for social programs, social impact bonds are becoming an increasingly appealing funding mechanism. Private investors and philanthropic institutions invest money upfront to fund a social program; if the program shows measurable success, the investors gain their original investment plus interest. A key example is in Connecticut, where a social impact bond was set up to expand the Family Stability Pay for Success Project. By spending money on prevention, investors and governments save money later.

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  • The chewing gum you don't mind stuck to your shoe Audio icon

    Did you know that the main ingredient in most chewing gum is a synthetic rubber, which resembles a close relationship to plastic? "It's called polyisobutylene," explains Anna Bullus, a British designer, "the same stuff you find in the inner tube of bicycle wheels." After realizing this, Anna decided to embark on a mission to recycle used chewing gum as a means of cleaning up the streets. What resulted was a way to create everyday products that include at least 20% gum, while simultaneously saving institutions money on what otherwise would have gone toward cleanup efforts.

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  • Montgomery's Renascence gives men on parole a chance for rebirth

    In Montgomery, Ala., a transitional program offers former inmates a place to live and support while they focus on staying clean and finding work. Officials say programs like this play a key role in reducing recidivism by addressing obstacles like learning to live again in society and making decisions, establishing a support network and basic things like getting a bank account and drivers license. It offers former inmates new paths that can help them avoid falling back into old ways and re-offending.

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  • Last year, 39 UK youths were fatally stabbed. None were in Scotland. Why?

    Glasgow used to be called the murder capital of Western Europe until officials decided to tackle violent crime with a public health focus, using tactics similar to those used to control epidemics. A carrot and stick approach included harsher sentences for possessing a knife, but also an array of services designed to connect gang kids with jobs, housing, therapy and education. Violence dropped dramatically as much of the gang infrastructure was dismantled, so other cities are exploring adopting the model.

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  • The town that's found a potent cure for illness – community

    Data from a trial in Frome, England shows that strong community support has a strong impact on recovery rates from a variety of medical ailments. The Compassionate Frome Project and Health Connections Mendip connect patients with "health connectors" who help them make health care plans and "community connectors" who help them find support within their community.

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  • When the shooting stops: how US schools handle mass trauma

    Trauma is a growing problem for school children, particularly in the age of mass shootings. But trauma also comes from a variety of triggers, including losing a loved one, poverty, immigration status and witnessing violence. Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools has proven effective, especially for younger kids, at giving children tools to manage trauma but it has been a struggle to find funding for this program around the country.

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  • A Year of Bail Reform in New Jersey

    As New Jersey continues to reform its cash bail system, other states in the region look to it as an example. The state developed an algorithm called the Public Safety Assessment that considers an individual’s likeliness to appear for their court date and whether they pose a risk of committing another crime and presents these findings and corresponding recommendations to a judge. Since the reforms have been in place, the state has seen a 20% decrease in the pre-trial jail population and an overall decrease in crime.

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  • A Western town says ‘no' to guns in schools

    In Mancos, Colorado, the school board voted “no” to arming school staff in the traditionally Western town. Across the United States, the question of arming teachers is being brought up as a response to the increase in school shootings. The policy is highly contested, with some saying it provides students with a feeling of safety, but others saying the risks associated are too high. For the Mancos community, such a vote is a surprise given the town’s gun-friendly history, but is explained by the increase in new residents.

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  • Since 2007, Peru has saved more than 350,000 kids from being stunted

    Peru formerly had one of the highest rates of stunting in South America, with chronic malnutrition affecting more than 1 in 4 children under five. Thanks to results-based budgeting and a government-wide commitment to fighting child poverty, the country has halved that rate, improving the long-term health and cognitive development of its youngest citizens.

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